
Mansfield Mechanics United has participated in FIRST FTC competition for 3 years. With three seasoned players and a large number of new members we set out with ferocious intent to design and build our best robot ever. We had a successful fundraising campaign this year that allowed us to purchase new Mecanum wheels and additional electronics to improve our drive and lift mechanisms. We have grown a lot in the past years and it shows in the attitude of the team.

This was our team for the 2017-2018 year. This year was the first year that we had a female participant. We had a pretty even number of participants for each of the four grade levels. We had our largest team so far this year with 12 people!

This was our robot for our third season. It was heavy and somewhat clunky and has motivated us to build a robot that can drive smoother and using the least material possible. We were extremely successful this year and were invited to semi-finals to ally with another team. However, this robot was plagued with electrical issues and we were unable to participate in the semi-finals. This robot also had a very bendy and malleable frame which gave us many problems. In the next season, we bought materials to build a more sturdy frame that wouldn't bend and shift as we moved the robot.

Find our team in matches throughout this video at the following times:

1h 8 m ** Be aware that the labels of the teams at this time in this video are incorrect.

2h 20m

3h 17m

3h 44m

4h 2m