Breachill townsfolk

The Council

Greta gardania

A young council member with an interest in the country of Osiria. She seems to have some sort of past or relationship with Wrin.

quentino posandi

An older human man with a thick Chelish accent. He runs the Posandi Bros. masonry company.

Jorsk hinterclaw

A dwarf from the war-ravaged country of Nirmathas.

Melma Ann sendari

An older human woman on Breachill's town council.

trini Sprizzlegig

An enthusiastic gnomish woman with pink and green hair.


warbal bumblebrasher

Ambassador of the Bumblebrasher goblins to Breachill, Warbal is a goblin educated by humans and is clearly enamored with her life outside of Citadel Altaerein.

She aided the four local heroes in rescuing her captured kin and owes them a debt of gratitude.

chieftain helba bumblebrasher

Leader of the small and peaceful Bumblebrasher goblins, Helba has opened relations between the tribe and the residents of Breachill. She is Warbal's cousin, and cares very deeply for the passionate scholar.

While not as aggressive as other goblins, Helba doesn't necessarily share Warbal's outlook on pacifism.


The mysterious bookseller who hired Calmont. The halfling claims that she is a necromancer or assassin, possibly both. After the city hall burnt to the ground, Voz left the town of Breachill.

She was beheaded by Uhn in the cave beyond Guardian's Way


A not particularly bright halfling who attempted to stop adventurers from going to Citadel Altaerein by burning down the city hall during the monthly Call For Heroes. He was discovered by the local heroes while he was threatening Helba, chieftain of the Bumblebrashers.

He claims to have been looking for information about Alesta's Ring, a network of elf gates beneath the fortress. He has since been apprehended and is currently being held by the authorities.

merchants, priests, and innkeepers

rorsk axebane

Owner of Tuskhead Stoneworking, mostly getting by on small jobs. Claims that the dagger in Uhn's possession once belonged to his wife. After a confrontation with Uhn, he has left Breachill to chase down revenge.

He was discovered not long after, caught by the Bloody Blades. He now makes himself useful to the Guardians as occasional seneschal in their employ.

trinil uskwold

The chipper and enthusiastic owner of Wizard's Grace. Trinil seems to have a great interest in magic and the arcane arts, despite lacking any of the talent for it, herself.

Roxie Denn

The owner of the Pickled Ear, a rough and tumble bar on the fringes of town. Roxie is a tall, built woman who tends to roll over others in conversation, brooking very little discussion once she's made her mind up.

amera lang

With the same thick Chelish accent of her employer, Amera Lang runs the day to day business of Posandi Bros. She stresses the beauty that one can achieve through her stoneworking skills.