Algorithms for Data Science (MSc), 2020 - present (module lead).
Artificial Intelligence II (BSc), 2020 - present.
Mathematical Foundation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (MSc), 2020/21.
Artificial Intelligence, (BSc, MSc), 2019/20.
Student Projects
My research interests lie in evolutionary computation and multi-objective optimisation, and their applications. Students may choose a project in the areas list below, or propose a project which relates to my research interests.
Develop randomised algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, local search, novelty search) for combinatorial optimisation problems. This includes classic and emerging problems:
TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem);
KP (Knapsack Problem);
JSSP (Job Shop Scheduling Problem);
VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem);
Bin Packing;
Quadratic Assignment Problem
Their multi-objective version. Research projects include:
To design effective algorithms for a specific multi-objective combinatorial problem.
To investigate what kind of search algorithms perform well for a specific multi-objective combinatorial problem.
To investigate how well evolutionary algorithms scales up in one type of combinatorial problems.
To investigate the search operators (e.g., crossover and mutation) in one type of combinatorial problems and how well they scales up.
Data visualisation in multi-objective optimisation. When the number of objectives to be optimised is larger than 3, it is not straightforward to observe the results. Therefore, it is important to develop effective methods/tools to help visualise the results. Related projects include:
Reducing the dimensionality according to correlation between objectives.
Modifying visualisation tools (e.g. parallel coordinates) for clearer observation.
Multi-criterion decision making. Multi-criteria decision making is a decision making process that involving multiple conflicting criteria/objectives, It is ubiquitous in our daily life (e.g. when purchasing a car, cost, comfort, safety, and fuel economy may be some of the main criteria we consider - it is unusual that the cheapest car is the most comfortable and the safest one). Related projects include:
How to select a few representative solutions for better decision making.
How to make the results clearer for observation and decision making in high-dimensional space.
Comparison between different decision making approaches and their relevance to multi-objective optimisation.
Comparison between randomised search techniques and MIP (mixed integer programming) like Cplex and Gurobi on a variety of problem scenarios.
Evolution in art. Use population-based search algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms) to discover novel/unexpected patterns and designs, for example, to generate novel tree patterns and Chinese-style patterns.