Educational Impact


WhatsApp Video 2019-02-09 at 9.54.49 PM.mp4


Sample IA - Aaliyah Jackson.docx


"Milwaz Productions (an education theatre company) and Bishop Anstey & Trinity College East Sixth form re-enacted the roaring 20's, the jazz Era; one of the largest parties to be held by character J. Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1920's tragedy "The Great Gatsby".

Hundreds of students from forms 3-6 of the secondary school system in Trinidad and Tobago, including Vessigny Secondary School and Arima Government Secondary School, gathered at the Cheryl Greaves Auditorium on that night as they accepted the invitation to one of the greatest experiences of their lifetime.

They were not only able to have a visual representation of the text "The Great Gatsby" that they have been studying for the past few months as it's a text under study in the Literatures in English Syllabus; but they get the opportunity to dress up like 'dolls' and 'old sports' of the era as the experience a two (2) hour long theatre in the round, cocktail party theatrical presentation directed and produced by the founder of Milwaz Productions Mr. Janieka Tudor, a teacher at Bishop Anstey & Trinity College East sixth form, of Literatures in English and Communication Studies. They got a chance to 'live in the moment'.

Milwaz Productions specialises in educational theatre; focusing on deepening and challenging students' powers of analysis; when given the opportunity to watch words escape pages and see actors bring words to life, therefore adding dimensions to craft almost 100 years old, yet still studied; and thus fulfilling anticipation of a literary thirsty audience.

Something powerful happens when students not only get the opportunity to view a live play but to experience all that the era offers; the music, the fashion, the language, the furniture and even the dances. Literatures in English then no longer remains attached to stigmas of tedious readings, it escapes those walls and forces it's way into the students' lives permitting them the opportunity to relive the past.

Hats off to Milwaz Productions and the team at a Bishop Anstey & Trinity College East Sixth Form for bringing F. Scott Fitzgerald 1920's Nobel prize novel alive once again."


The word Amani is Swahili for Peace. Company director Janeika Tudor-Baptiste said the inspiration for the name comes from “the traumatic experience of the Tudor family after the shocking diagnosis of a spinal compression of Mr. Tudor, father and husband of the family of four. The spinal compression was leading to immediate and rapid paralysis and it was only God’s grace and peace that sustained the family as they watched their able-bodied hero lose mobility and agility. Thus, it is our only prayer that this same peace of God, which kept us, reside in every home represented at this event.”

The concert is being held to offset the medical expenses for an emergency surgery for Tudor, a retired police constable. Tudor-Baptiste said her father, who was gainfully employed at the T&T Police Service from 1989 to 2015, has served the production company for the past five years. “From inception, he has invested his time, energy and handyman resources, every time he was called upon to serve. He was also faithful during his service in the TTPS. As such, we will have a one-hour segment whereby the T&T Police Band will honour this retired officer with an exhilarating entertainment tribute.”

The performers will include members of Milwaz Productions and associates, the TTPS Band, 2018 Gospel Album of the year winner Marc Issacs and many more. The programme will entail dance, drama, song, and infectious, uplifting music. Tudor-Baptiste said “the entire production, theme, décor, music, etc., will be African themed to create a sense of awareness and experience. A major part of the event will be a featured production of “A Raisin in The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry”, which mirrors her encouragement of overall pride in African heritage. This pride, search for identity and consciousness is acutely promoted through the character, Beneatha, played by Renea John. Beyond entertainment, our motivation for using this literary piece is our alignment with the company’s vision which is to engage our community, including patrons, performers, students and teachers in a creative experience of all literary crafts, drama and poetry, through the provision of high quality, infectious and appealing educational productions. As we serve our educational purpose, this play is currently on the Sixth Form syllabus and thus, in addition to general entertainment, students and teachers attending can also benefit greatly academically.”

Tudor-Baptiste has also sent out a request for African designers and artisans, as she said it “was in tandem with maintaining our African theme by showcasing local creators and artists. We always do our best to provide open doors for creative expression. Our motto is “Open doors for expression, service and excellence.” For this production, we extended our home and opened our doors to creatives for them to express themselves and showcase their passions.” Rental of a booth costs $200.

Tudor-Baptiste said the intention of the company is for “the audience to ponder upon the importance of family and community. They must be empowered to selflessly serve their community and honour their family, at all costs. As they seek to find themselves, grow and explore all that the world must offer; they must pursue peace, inner peace, Amani. They must purpose in their hearts to never sacrifice their family for the pursuit of money or selfish gains, for the love of money is the root of all evil and some, by longing for it, have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, as stated in I Timothy 6:10.”

The event takes place on January 19 at the Cheryl F. Greaves Auditorium, #1 College Avenue, Trincity. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Tickets cost $125 for adults, $80 for children and $110 each for groups of five people. For more information and to reserve tickets or booths, call 729-3627.

Website Reference:


PRECIOUS HINDS- ECHOES, The Poetry Challenge Participant

"I came to know Milwaz from my literature teacher and from various well known productions that they created in the past. My role within Milwaz was a contestant. A moment that impacted me was within my educational level, having to analyze a poem, so that it can be portrayed through a medium of sound/music and dance/folklore dance from the Caribbean. Also, the fact that we had to perform in SAPA and on live television which is something I never did before. The experience impacted my view of literature in terms of the understanding of poetry/poetic works and heightened my love for them. I am better able to understand poems done in class and discussed naturally among peers. The competition improved my abilities, my analytical skills, writing skills and my ability to convey the poets messages through different forms. I feel ecstatic that I was given such a magnificent opportunity. It gave supporters of the competition an avenue to observe a preview of what was to come on the day, or even scare your competition. It impacted my connection to the poetry competition because of the excitement gained from it. It also helped to build a bond between competitors and acted as a catalyst to finish the piece for the competition day."

ALLIYAH COOPER- ECHOES, The Poetry Challenge Participant

"Well.... It only came to my attention when my Theatre Arts teacher told me about it and I took a view of the videos on Instagram with the children from the different schools giving the viewers a teaser of their piece, and I thought to myself that I can do that I can be that person who stands up on the stage and give it my all with any given poem. There was an impact where now I have in the back of my head I have to be BRAVE. It made my view of literature to be more interesting because trust me I didn't know. It improved my learning ability where I learned how to work under pressure."

JABARI ROACH- Milwaz Productions Member

"I was invited by a friend to come along and act for a play (Wajang Therapy) and that is when I learnt about Milwaz. Since then I have been an actor for Wajang Therapy, the Plot and Raisin in the Sun. While doing The Plot I realized I accomplished one of my goals in life which was to use my talent at least once to spread God's message and impact others while doing it. I learnt that literature was more than just some stories, it is a way to show what type of societies there were long ago and even now. Additionally, learnt how to work better on a team and that family isn't always blood."


SHELDON ROACH- Father of Jabari Roach

" I have seen a increased level of maturity in Jabari and a strong sense of maturity since he joined your group. However he still has not lost his youthfulness and humor. The entire family feels a sense of pride by his participation. It is good to see he has found his calling and an avenue where he can hone his talent. I believe it is a critical part of their education as it brings to life what they do in the classroom. Keep up the great work you are doing with our youth."


Dr. MAHARAJ - Lecturer in the Department of Literacy Cultural and Communication Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.

"What was unique about Echoes was the energy it managed to generate for poetry and the performing arts. In addition, the camaraderie among the members and participating schools was admirable. However, what the judge’s preparation for the tasks at hand could have been improved. (although it seemed that a few others were indeed more prepared and had been involved for longer than I was). The highlight for me was the level of interest in poetry shown by everyone present and I would like to see more of the same – much much more."