Educational Tours

CNC3 interview.mp4


Experiential Learning

This overseas trip is classified as experiential learning and is proven to awaken and increase students’ passion and performance in drama (one of the three major literary genres). Research indicates a number of positive academically oriented benefits for experiential learning in modern studies such as:

  • Increased interest and strengthened focus on literary works.
  • Improved academic performance
  • Improved oral and written expression in essay writing
  • Increased appreciation for the Shakespearean Art form

(Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory, 1984)

Benefits from 2018 tour:

  • Accessibility to The English Renaissance 1500’s Shakespeare Globe Theatre stage through The American Shakespeare’s Centre’s infrastructure.
  • Enhancement of their literary knowledge, tolerance and empathy of past Shakespearean literary works.
  • Engagement in comparative analysis of our student production of “The Taming of the Shrew” - Wajang Therapy, 2017, to the product of an internationally recognized home for the study of Shakespeare's works which uses original staging conditions.
  • Engagement with Shakespeare enthusiasts from the American Shakespearean Centre, Blackfriar Playhouse, through workshops and student participation in rehearsals.
  • Enlightened in the areas of Rhetoric, Shakespeare Verse, Character Play & Physical Movement and Directing.


The American Shakespeare Centre offers:

1. Classes out of the classroom. No tables, no PowerPoints, no whiteboards. They employ play and playing, experiential learning, and on the feet activities as their primary mode of learning.

2. Experienced actors who performs and directs scenes.

3. Programs that last from 2 hours to a full week and customize programs to fit specific needs – whether discipline or topical emphasis.

4. A FUN experience.

5. World-class performances, they offer behind-the-scenes tours of the playhouse, as well as hands-on workshops on topics intended to cure students’ ShakesFear.

6. A variety of workshops for participants of all ages, interests, and experience levels. They focus on bringing Shakespeare’s plays to life using the tools of his stagecraft and the ASC’s theatrical practice. Whether your group is interested in Shakespeare’s leaders, Shakespeare’s words, or Shakespeare’s stagecraft, ASC workshops can help turn the lights on in invigorating and illuminating ways.

Future Tours: ASC April 2020


Janine Veronique

ASC 2018

"My experience on the tour to the American Shakespeare Centre was for the least fantastic! The play, The Taming of the Shrew that was performed was absolutely marvelous. I loved the modern twist that kept the audience engaged and allowed for a more relatable experience. I was also impressed by the few number of cast members (12), their lack of set which didn’t fail them in bringing the play to life and the fact that all members were extremely verse in all aspects of art (acting, song, dance). It was eye opening to see the genuine passion and love everyone had for theatre which is a rare sight here locally. Every member from cast to workshop host was excited, verse and passionate about their field which made the experience fulfilling allowing me to walk away with a greater love for theatre and more knowledge than I could have ever asked for."

Naomi Messiah

ASC 2018

"This was a fantastic educational opportunity as I can now undertake a more in-depth analysis of Shakespeare’s play in Literatures of English for CAPE based on the new information learnt. It also helped me to do some revision for my upcoming examination. I found the Directing workshop to be the most informative and engaging as I was given a glimpse into the world of directing. After that session, I realized that I would love to become a script writer one day in addition to my career choice and direct my own play."

Jeremy Carrera

ASC 2018

"The trip was meaningful to me because it represented a momentous occasion in which Literature was made alive. The players from the American Shakespeare Centre managed to create the entire play with only 12 actors. The professionalism and atmosphere in the AMC is unforgettable.... I recommend this trip for all theater fanatics because you become enriched with more knowledge of the career and opportunities that come with it. Oh, and it SNOWED!"

Reyannah Singh

ASC 2018

"The first day of workshops contained lessons on scansion with Ms. Sarah Blackwell, rhetoric with Ms. Liz Bernardo and character play- physical movement with Ms. Lia Wallace. The workshops on scansion and rhetoric were very informative as they went in depth into the logistics of Shakespeare’s work and helped to reinforce what we already knew on the topics."

Kadelle Des Vignes

ASC 2018

"It was also commendable how the actors and directors made do of their minimal space on the stage. They actively engaged the audience as they had gallant seats and during the play the actors had physical interaction with the audience by asking them questions, giving them props to hold and even addressing them as they spoke."

Education Tour Group Expenditure Details (2018)

Airfare & Travel Insurance 20 persons $70,000TT ($3500TTpp)

Accommodation – 7 nights/ 7 rooms $49,000TT (50 US/ person/ night- $350 US/ person X 20 person)

Fun Tours $28,000 TT ($1400TT pp)

Ground Transportation $14, 000 TT ($2000 US/week for 2 panel busses & drivers)

Workshop $17,000TT ($15 US per person per workshop/Taming of the Shrew Broadway Show Talk Backs / 8 workshops- 15 X 8= $120 US X 20= $2,400US

Taming of the Shrew Broadway Production $2800TT ($20US/ person)

TOTAL: $180, 800.00 TT