Mighty May Won’t Cry Today is perfect for ANY family

The audience for this book is for EVERYONE – both gay and lesbian parents as well as non-LGBT parents who understand the importance of their children seeing non-traditional families in their reading literature.

Two Moms

If your child has two mommies, then this is a beautiful story reflecting their family.

Two Dads

If your child has two daddies, then this is a beautiful story featuring two same-gender parents.

<div>Icons made by <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a></div>

All Families

If your child has any other kind of family structure, this offers a unique opportunity for you to discuss other types of loving families with them.