Our Pavilion at Bolingbroke Park

Our Pavilion at Bolingbroke Park is the centerpiece of our facilities. From April thru October, we hold monthly dinner meetings here, usually with a guest speaker on topics pertinent to conservation and/or the environment.

The Pavilion can seat up to 100 people at our picnic tables. We have a large charcoal grill, two ADA unisex restrooms, and a bar area. The facility is off the grid and we use a propane fueled generator to provide electricity for lighting, fans, and well pump. In the winter months we need to close-up in order to protect our well and supply lines. The park is accessible, but the electric service is not available.

The Pavilion may be reserved and rented by members and the public for various types of events such as: birthday parties, weddings and receptions, family reunions, and by civic organizations. We readily make the facilities available to local youth groups and schools for educational programs. We encourage the use of Bolingbroke Park by all residents of the 4 county area. Also, we conduct our introductory archery classes in the pavilion so we do not have to consider weather conditions when scheduling classes.

If you are interested in renting the Pavilion for an event, please read the following contract agreement for general rentals ( the last page provides the current rate schedule) or the one for use with youth organizations.

Our pavilion rental and use coordinator is Lori Hammond and she can be reached at lkjhammond@gmail.com

Click on the arrow at the top right corner of the illustrated document to open it for viewing and printing.

Rental Agreement-20220805.pdf
Rental Youth-20220805.pdf