Making a slide

Creating a slide will allow us to control the items we are looking at with our microscope. The process described below creates a glass slide with a small piece of newsprint.

This video describes the steps to create a traditional glass slide for viewing a sample with a microscope. The sample is a small piece of news print and the image is displayed below

Our sample slide showing the fibers of newsprint

Our supplies needed for making a microscope slide. We have

Glass microscope slides

Glass cover slides

Water and eye dropper

We will use newspaper for out sample

Cutting a small piece of newsprint and place it on out slide with some water then cover it with a glass cover

Our final slide is ready for the microscope stage.

The microscope stage will have a way to hold the slide in place while we are viewing the slide.

We can see the light illuminating our small sample of newsprint, the image we capture focuses on a letter in the text.

Close up of the slide and the sample as seen through the microscope. Notice the fibers in the paper and the ink on the paper.

The black 'pointer' is part of the eyepiece and is used as a reference pointer.