Equity & Justice Statement

The MICRO project is actively dedicated to creating an environment of equity and inclusion for every individual involved in this project. We seek to establish a learning environment that is welcoming and fully supports the engagement of people of all backgrounds including but not limited to race, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic status, educational resources, national origin, and age.

The MICRO project pledges to:

  • Highlight the contributions of scientists from all identity categories and cite work inclusively to more fully reflect the practitioners in the field

  • Provide materials that explore ways that science can contribute to social justice in the context of historical injustice and oppression

  • Develop materials that are accessible scientists using assistive technologies and employing other principles of universal design for learning

  • Utilize the framework of culturally sustaining pedagogy as a way to reframe laboratory environments that are more fully supportive of student learning

We celebrate the diversity already apparent in this field, however it is vital to challenge ourselves inside and out of the classroom and laboratory to strive to obtain balanced representation in this project we call MICRO.