Seminars and Workshops

Past seminars and workshops

Hot Topics: MIP* = RE and the Connes’ Embedding Problem

Amitsur Algebra Seminar

2019-2022 -- The Hebrew University

I organized the seminar under the instruction of Professors Lubotzky, Mann and Shalev. Link to the calendar.

Graduate students seminar

2018-2022 -- The Hebrew University

This seminar is currently organized by Shai Evra, Ziv Maayan and George Peterzil.

Past organizers: Amichai Lampert and I organized the seminar under the supervision of Cy Maor. Other past organizers: Or Landsberg, Yatir Halevi.

Topics in group theory students seminar

The Hebrew University

Alon Dogon and I organized a graduate student's seminar on topics in group theory. 

Other past organizers: Oren Becker, Bharatram Rangarajan, Amitay Kamber.

2022 Fall semester

The topic of this semester is algebraic and arithmetic groups. We work in parallel to the IAS seminar organized by Alex Lubotzky and Peter Sarnak.

2021 Spring semester

The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 16:00 to 17:30 in room 110 Manchester building

2021 Fall semester

The seminar takes place on Tuesdays, 14:00 to 15:45 on ZOOM.

2019 Spring semester

The seminar took place on Sundays, 17:00 to 20:00, at the Junior Staff Room, Ross Building (near the kitchen). 

Possible future topics

The talks are meant to be highly accessible to all graduate students. 

2020-2021 fall and spring semesters -- The Hebrew university

Nati Linial, Alex Lubotzky and I organized a seminar dedicated to the recent refutation of Connes' embedding problem.

Relevant links

Fall semester 2020-2021 content:

ZOOM links, slides and video recordings:

Moodle 80741

MIP* wiki

Papers we follow

MIP*=RE, Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test, NEEXP in MIP*, A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers, Interactions with Quantum Devices.

Talks and links we like

This talk by Anand Natarajan

This seminar on Operator Algebras and Quantum Information

The talks about MIP*=RE as well as the self testing talk in Quantum Protocols: Testing & Quantum PCPs

These talks by Henry Yuen: 1,2,3

These talks

This course by Thomas Vidick

Reading webinar on the Connes-Kirchberg-Tsirelson problem

This survey of Thomas Vidick

Undergraduate summer workshop at HUJI

Aug 22 - Sep 3, 2021


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Super Strong Approximation in Groups

2018-2019 Spring semester -- The Hebrew University

Dates: 17-21.2.2019  

Tomer Schlank, Oren Becker and I organized a workshop whose goal was to study Super Strong Approximation in Groups:
The goal of the workshop was to study the proof of super-strong approximation via the Bourgain-Gamburd expansion machine, the classification of approximate subgroups of semisimple algebraic groups over finite fields, and random matrix products. We followed the paper Approximate subgroups and super-strong approximation by Emmanuel Breuillard.  The talks were given by graduate students and post-docs. 

Stallings' Foldings and their applications

2017-2018 spring semester -- The Hebrew University  

Noam Kolodner and I, with help from Ori Parzanchevski, organised a seminar centred around Stallings' foldings and their applications. The goal of the seminar was to study the paper Measure Preserving Words are Primitive by Puder and Parzanchevski. Lecture notes (Partially Hebrew): [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

July 2019 update: Recently Ofir David uploaded to arXiv a paper related to what we have done in the seminar and specifically to the talk he gave (link to the paper on arXiv) 

Announcement June 2021: There is a second round of this amazing workshop. YouTube. Website. This year the topics are

July 20-31, 2020 

I mentored the "Expander Graphs" exercise session.

Videos from the workshop are available in the following link: GGTWB YouTube. If you want to learn either of the following subjects, the videos are highly recommended: