MIP*=RE Seminar HUJI, 80741

Relevant links

Fall semester 2020-2021

ZOOM links, slides and video recordings:

Moodle 80741

MIP* wiki

Papers we follow

MIP*=RE, Quantum soundness of the classical low individual degree test, NEEXP in MIP*, A multi-prover interactive proof for NEXP sound against entangled provers, Interactions with Quantum Devices.

Talks and links we like

This talk by Anand Natarajan

This seminar on Operator Algebras and Quantum Information

The talks about MIP*=RE as well as the self testing talk in Quantum Protocols: Testing & Quantum PCPs

These talks by Henry Yuen: 1,2,3

These talks

This course by Thomas Vidick

Reading webinar on the Connes-Kirchberg-Tsirelson problem


Next year, in both the fall and spring semester, we are organizing a seminar dedicated to the recent refutation of Connes' embedding problem. The plan is to understand the paper MIP*=RE by Ji-Natarajan-Vidick-Wright-Yuen. If you are interested in participating, then fill in the following form.