Cool Links

Links and Websites

Here are some links to videos and sites that we like or have found useful.

This is what is happening each time you ring your bell!

One of the best handbell ensembles in the world!

Why do we ring handbells? An explanation below!

One of the coolest videos I've seen!

Some Hand Chimes!

Not handbells, but very cool!

This is something we should try to do!

The journey begins!

Website Links

Handbell Graces - Susan Carscadden-Mifsud handbell workshops and servicing, and also the home of Bells Ablaze and the Bellissima Ringers.

The Bronze Foundation - Auditioned Handbell group in the Greater Toronto area.

Handbells Etc - A Canadian handbell company based in Edmonton where you can order handbell music.

Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers - Our provincial association.

Handbells - Wikipedia - One of the most informative handbell websites I have yet seen! This site has been put together by Nancy Kirkner of Seattle. If you want to know something about handbells, it's probably on this website!

Schulmerich Handbells - Handbell manufacturer. The type of handbells our ensemble plays.

Malmark Handbells - Handbell manufacturer. The type of chimes our ensemble plays.

Whitechapel Handbells - Traditional English handbells.

Whitechapel Bell Foundry - Original Foundry Building. - Ooops! How did that get in there!