The MERSL has a good collection of books in addition to its memorabilia. The complete catalogue has been divided into sections and sub-sections – those categories can be viewed here. The actual list (about 300+ items, 10 pages, pdf file) can be viewed here (allow a few seconds for the 10 pages to appear; they can then be downloaded to your device, if required).
A few books are displayed in Glass Cabinet #7, but most are kept in the storeroom due to lack of space in the main area (security of the items in the collection is also a factor to be considered). Due to these storage limitations, we have had to develop a policy to guide us in deciding which items we can accept for donations. Accordingly, we are not particularly interested in keeping fiction novels ... only actual historical or informative works can be considered. After that, we prioritize items which are about Australia's involvement in the many wars since the late 1800s, and in particular those which have some significance or connection to members or residents from our local area. A more detailed outline of our priorities can be read below or by following this link.
This lack of a public viewing facility for our collection is unfortunate as there are many books which members may be interested in reading. As direct browsing 'in-house' is not normally possible, the complete list of books, sorted by topic, can be seen from the link above. If anyone is interested in reading a book then contact one of the Memorabilia Group and we may be able to arrange short-term borrowing.