
The School theme explores learners' experiences in school.  

The topics under the theme of School include:

Before you ask students to record their videos, it is always helpful to prepare them with some warm-up activities. We have included some suggestions for you as well as some worksheets that can prepare students for the speaking portion of the activities.

To go back to the full guide, click on Guides for Teachers

School Activity Guide (Google Slides)

Me Mapping Mini-Guide for Teachers - School

School Activity Guide (PDF)

Me Mapping Mini-Guide for Teachers - School.pdf

The section below includes detailed prompts and videos you can use to create your own Flipgrid Topic. You can copy or adapt the prompts below in your own grid. Additionally, you may want to download the video and upload it as a Media Resource in your grid.

For more information on how to use Flipgrid and create your own grids, please refer to the Flipgrid Educator's Guide.

Going to School.mp4

Going to School

Tell us more about your time at school.  

What was the last grade you completed?  

What subjects did you learn in school?  

What is your favourite subject at school?

What types of books did you use in your previous schools? 

Your School.mp4

Your School

Describe all of your schools and the languages that were used in those schools.

What kind of books did you read at your first school?  

How many years did you go to each school?

Languages in the Classroom.mp4

Languages in the Classroom

In what ways do you use different languages in your class?

How do you feel about speaking in different languages in your classroom?

How do you feel when you speak your family’s language(s) at school? 

Languages in your School Work.mp4

Languages in Your Schoolwork

What language(s) do you think in when you are doing your school work?

Describe how you are using language in your head when you complete a Math problem, for example.

Describe an assignment that you completed where you used your home language

Teachers & Schoolmates.mp4

Teachers & Schoolmates

How do teachers use different languages in your school?

Do your classmates use different languages at school?

What languages do you use with your friends and classmates?