Climate Change

Today's lesson will be about climate change! Climate change is a loaded topic, so we are focusing on how climate change occurs, what effects we are experiencing now, and what we can do in order to better the future. We will begin by visting the NASA Climate Kids website as a class, and discuss what it tells us about climate change and its origins. Next, students will work in pairs and explore the PhET interactive greenhouse effect activity, and learn about how the Earth retains heat. Then, students will recieve the two handouts about climate change and write a 1 paragraph response. We will conclude by watching a PBS video about what kids can do to help.

Climate Kids - NASA Webpage. (Click here)

Greenhouse Effect - PhET interactive (Click here)

NASA Handout - Students will write a 5 sentence response.

PBS Video - I'm only a kid, I can't do anything about climate change, right?

Learning Objectives: Students will learn about why climate change occurs, the greenhosue gas effect, and how it affects weather systems.