Outside the Classroom


I have two kittens, Sophie and Gibson. I love them dearly, and I love dressing them up. (They may not like that part as much as I do)

Family Literacy

I have been volunteering at the AK Smiley Library for over a year now. I help create and carry out monthly family literacy programs, as well as read for the Spanish Storytime every Friday. I have loved the opportunity to work with children and especially to work with children whose second langauge is English. I wish to work in a bilingual classroom or work with billingual elementary literacy in the future.


I joined Americorps this year, and am serving AK Smiley Library. I will now be a part of the adult literacy team, and will be helping develop the program for learners and tutors. This is Ann, the other Americorps member that is serving AK Smiley Library.


I love to travel! My travel buddy is my boyfriend of 4 years, Evan. We love exploring new places together. We both have been pretty busy with school, but I can't wait to see where life takes us next. (He likes hiking more than me though)