Contact Your Legislator

Write a Letter

A few simple words can be a powerful part of persuading a legislator to support this Act. Always begin by identifying the bill, either S. 828 or H.R. 432. Say a few words about yourself; where you live, your age, your past/present occupation(s). In a couple sentences, explain how this legislation can make a real difference to you or someone you know on Medicare. Share a story, if you have one, as an example. Again urge your Senator or Representative to support the bill and thank them for their attention. Finally sign the letter and address the envelope including your return postal address.

Don't know where to send it? These links can help you find your Senator and Representative. An additional link or two and some scrolling should reveal the in District and Washington D.C. offices. Follow-up with letters every month or two.

Call The Switchboard

A few weeks after you have written a letter, phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senator or Representative office you request. Reference the bill, S. 828 or H.R. 432, and urge their support. Call again every few weeks.

Visit the in District Office

Team up with one or two others who support this Act. Locate the nearest office of your Senator or Representative. Make an appointment with the legislator's aide. This is always advised, since they are often away from the office. Write down the bill number when you sign in. Bring literature, like a handout or an article, and be prepared to share stories of how S. 828 or H.R. 432 can make life better for Medicare beneficiaries.

Legislators are attentive to their office sign-in books. Multiple visits on the same bill by many different people in different locations indicates the legislation's impact. If you have friends or colleagues near another office, ask them to make a visit. Plan to visit three or four times a year. And call both the DC and in District offices to learn your legislators' positions.

Attend A Town Hall

See your legislator in action!

A personal request to a U.S. Senator or Representative is the most powerful way to present your message. Attend with several friends who will echo the message and sit apart from one another. Arrive an hour early to sign-in. Questions are often called by sign-in order or randomly called by assigned numbers. Sometimes the legislator will pick constituents.

If you are called, stand and address your legislator by title (Senator * or Representative *), introduce yourself and where you live, reference the bill (S. 828 or H.R. 432), and deliver your message. Keep it short, no more than 2 minutes. ALWAYS TAKE LITERATURE TO SHARE WITH STAFF AND AUDIENCE MEMBERS. A short handout or article is great.

Don't know when your legislator will be nearby? The Town Hall Project is a good place to look. Be diligent and check the website often.

Town Halls are often targeted to specific audiences. Regularly call your nearest Senator and Representative in district office and ask when your next opportunity to speak to may be. Persistence often pays off!

Send A Note

H.R. 432 Advocacy Templates.pdf