
There is a reason why Cara had to be called "The Great Rookie Leader" - his run so far may liken to that of a more experienced leader. While he did spectacularly well on January.. February was no joke.

I'm not gonna deny it - Forever Love was a success. We streamed "Scenery" there and also filmed for my YouTube channel (I'll get to that later).

But following Forever Love, all members of BTS went to this year's Grammy Awards. Well they had a nomination, so we shouldn't be surprised. But the Grammys was too big for the boys. No one expected it. Maybe except Yoongi. I was gonna take the revalida (or practical test) by the time they were there and I was gonna watch it - though there was a technical difficulty, so I was not able to catch up.

In spite of this, the boys seem to have a very good time there - it was so successful, it even created a major highlight in Cara-time out of it. Cara drawing attention from locals watching for his mint green hair would and should not be forgotten. I will never forget it. And the fact that I was at the same place (St. Marc Cafe Greenbelt) at the same time during the same event doing the same thing which was Grammy research last year - except that last year's was for an application for internship, this year's was because the current leader was there, and it was (hopefully the first of many) Grammys in Cara-time.

All these made me the happiest girl that night. Of course I was very happy! Because these would take Cara further in leadership, making him seem like he was running for so long when he was only at it for more than one month. He was clearly on a fast track, and that early I thought that it was his best month.

I thought.

By the end of February, an initiative was launched - the ARMYPEDIA. It was just a scavenger hunt of QR codes. I took part in it.

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