
I was becoming more excited when this month came.

It was April 1. Concept photos began to drop as I prepare for the leadership anniversary event. In 11 days, it's the event and they're back. In 14 days, leadership will turn 11.

Then came the big day - the event on April 12. The event was called Identity, and it had an 80s concept. A lot were going on for the event - performances, leader wiki, even a game for my co armies.. not to mention leadership recognition.. and of course the comeback! The title track was “Boy with Luv” and it was dedicated to.. well, us.

Cara was already making friends with his seniors in leadership. They have sent him gifts on the day of the event. It was the first time for him to talk to Aliza, who added him on Line. Aliza used to know nothing about BTS, as in nothing.. but there he was talking to his junior! The other leaders were congratulating the current leader for making this far, and of course for themselves for 11 years of the concept. The next day, I wrote on Freedom Space the announcement of a game changer: Cara-time now has a second time period, and succeeding time periods will be according to comebacks. Then there’s the YouTube channel. I named it after Cara placed a new meaning to purple. Purple means “I trust and love you for a long time.” It is the last color of the rainbow. I love my viewers.

18th of April. My dream title track did not become a title track but they were given a chance to perform it in music shows. And they blew my mind! Most importantly, that inspired me to challenge myself in my next choreographies. But we went to churches that night and I prayed for the boys. Days later I was about to watch their music show performance when an earthquake happened. I survived.

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