End of Year and Summer Start!

Saturday, 6/13 End of Year & Summer Start Zoom Meet!

Date: Saturday, 6/9/2020



7:45-8:00 Regathering and Summer Start Update with Parents!

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 469 758 2040

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,4697582040# US

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keqMDpJrdP

Saturday's Zoom Meet! We will...

Ticket In...

Be prepared to answer this question: If you had to leave the house in an instant and knew that you wouldn't be back for a long time, what would you grab and why?

Say Hello to our 6th Graders!

We will meet Ellie Rich and Jon Duncan Williams and celebrate their first official Zoom Meet with Youth!

Bless Our Seniors!

We will say 'God bless you on your journeys,' to our seniors! We wish all of them the very best and hope they will be able to join us some this summer before they leave to start their new adventures!

Meet with Parents/Youth Leaders to share Regathering and Summer Start Information!

7:45 Parents and Youth Committee join us to help us understand our church regathering plan, next steps and summer start updates!



Members: Ofelia Holye, Ginnie Adams, Pat Stiller, Nell Grimm, Doris Eller, Richy Castellanos, Delores Bryan, Colon Jackson, Becky Smith, David Price, Joyce Pulliam, Linda Smith, Pauline Calloway

Family and Friends: Marceil Hardison Edwards (mother of Al Hardison), Christopher Holye (son of Ofelia Holye), MaryAnn Matthews (aunt of Meredith Lanier), Jessica Adams (granddaughter of Bob and Jeanne Barker), Kathy Weeks (sister-in-law of Beverley Howard), Jessica Oxendine (friend and colleague of Mariamarta Conrad)

Oak Hill Assisted Living Center (Angier): Lib Byrd, Ester Howard, and Frances McQuade

Passport Virtual Summer!

Passport 2020 Theme Song!

Passport Golden Globe Variety Show!

You have until June 22 to get your Golden Globe Talent Videos sent to Passport!!! Let us know if you want to enter!!! <3


You will receive a survey asking if you want to buy a Passport 2020 'BE' T-shirt!!!! All orders need to be in by Saturday, June 13!! $15.00 each