Boston, MA

MATH FOR ALL in Boston

A friendly and open environment to learn and discuss mathematics!

MATH FOR ALL in Boston

April 6, 2024 at Boston College

Location: Stokes Hall - South

A Conference on Math Education and Research  

Math for all has the purpose of fostering inclusivity in mathematics by holding talks and discussions in both research and education. This conference will be targeted to undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs, and faculty members from all institutions in the Boston area and provide a friendly, open environment to learn and discuss mathematics.

 2024 Registration is closed

For virtual registration, please visit this page.

If you have questions, please email one of the organizers.

Federico Ardila

San Francisco State University

(broadcasted live)

Erika Ward

Boston College

(in - person)

Located in Stokes Hall - South

 Rooms 195S, 109S, & 111S

9:00 - 9:30 am Coffee & registration 

9:30 - 11 am   Plenary talk : Erika Ward (in-person)

11:00 - 11:30 am  Short talks (1st parallel session)

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Short talks (2nd parallel session)

12:00 - 2:00 pm Poster session & lunch

2:00 - 2:15 pm Transition time

2:15 - 2:45 pm Short talks (3rd parallel session)

2:45 - 3:15 pm Short talks (4th parallel session)

3:15 - 3:30 pm Coffee break

3:30 - 4:00 pm Satellites community time

4:00 - 5:00 pm Plenary talk : Federico Ardila (streamed)

5:00pm Closing remarks

There will be the virtual option on Friday  April 5th. Register here.

2024 Conference Maps

Short Talks (20 min)

Tips on how to give a 20 min talk are here!


The poster session is aimed to undergraduate students. Posters can be expository. You can find info on how to make a poster here!

Information for talk and poster presenters

We will be holding talk and poster office hours during the month before the conference, for those who have registered to present at the conference.  These office hours are designed to give feedback to any presenters who would like it!  If you have not registered to present, but would like to learn more about these office hours, please email the organizers (contact info is at the bottom of this page.)

Information on how to submit an abstract and sign up for talk and poster office hours will be sent to those interested once they register.  

Instructions for Poster Presenters

Download Template Here (open in PowerPoint): Template

Ethical Conduct Agreement

One of the main goals of Math For All is to create a welcoming environment for all participants. We wish for every participant to feel welcome, included, and safe at our conference.  For that reason, we ask you to be mindful of your words and actions when communicating with others. We all have a bias and make mistakes. With an open mind and a willingness to apologize, we can create a safe space for everybody. 

Harassment or discrimination of any kind based on race, color, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression will not be permitted.

Hate speech is not permitted at the conference. We want to clarify that hate speech does not include the criticism of institutions or governments, but rather that of individuals or groups of individuals, and that we welcome uncomfortable conversations that stimulate a growth mind set.   

If there is a situation during the conference that makes you feel unwelcome, we ask you to please talk to one of the organizers so we can help you as best as we can.


Gomathy Ganapathy, Dr. Ellen Goldstein, Dr. Keaton Quinn, Laura Seaberg, Dr. Erika Ward, and Joe Wang 

If you have questions, please email


Boston College is located on the traditional land of the Massachusett, Pawtucket, and their neighbors the Wampanoag, and Nipmuc Peoples. Indigenous people have lived in the area for centuries before the arrival of colonizers and still live here today. We acknowledge that Boston College enjoys its location and success in part due to the genocide and cultural repression of these people.