Poster Workshop

Poster Workshop Video Series

Let Riley and Addie walk you through all the steps of creating and giving a poster presentation!

Topics covered:

  1. What is a poster presentation?

  2. How to pick a topic and find a mentor

  3. How to design a poster

  4. How to create a poster in LaTeX

  5. How to prepare an elevator pitch

  6. What to expect at the poster session

1. Introduction

2. Finding a Topic

3. Poster Design

4. Software

5. Elevator Pitch

6. The Poster Session

Image with a compilation of all DOs and DONTs of the poster workshop videos


Tips for making a poster

Where to start:

  • Watch our poster workshop video series here!

  • Find a faculty member to help you choose a subject.

  • Gather information- online, from the library, from your faculty members...

  • Look at examples of other posters to get ideas on how to structure your own.

  • Make your own poster and share it with others to get feedback!