Yiwei Jia (PhD Student at University of Bern and HES-SO Valais-Wallis)

Email: yiwei (dot) jia (at) hevs (dot) ch

Postal address:

- Route de l'Industrie 23, CH-1950, Sion, Switzerland
- Office O1.102 (1st floor), sitem-insel, Freiburgstrasse 3, CH-3010Bern, Switzerland
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Avenue de Provence 82, CH-1007, Lausanne, Switzerland

Research Interests. MRI protocol optimization. MRI image reconstruction. Motion artifact. 

Short Bio. I received my master's degree in Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and my bachelor's at Sun Yat-sen University, China. My master's thesis focuses on medical image processing and deep learning, especially image segmentation. During the internship practice, I also gained valuable experience in EEG processing and network architecture search.

I joined MatTech Lab as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Benedetta Franceschiello, with Prof. Jessica Bastiaansen as my co-supervisor at QIS Lab, University of Bern, and Meritxell Bach Cuadra as my co-advisor at Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM). 

My research is centered on developing an innovative anatomical and functional MR-Eye protocol capable of mitigating distortions caused by eye movements and addressing the trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution. This protocol will enable the acquisition of high-resolution (in micrometers) images with robustness to eye motion at the millisecond level. My objective is to implement algorithms that enhance image quality and facilitate the disentanglement of sub-millimeter eye structures on both clinical (3T) and research (7T) MRI scanners.
