Guillaume Raetz (Thesis Student at HES-SO Valais-Wallis)

Email: guillaume (dot) raetz (at) students (dot) hevs (dot) ch

Postal address:

- Route de l'Industrie 23, CH-1950, Sion, Switzerland

Short Bio. 

I'm a student in my last year of a Bachelor's degree in industrial systems (infotronics). I'm Swiss (Valais and Bernese) with a quarter of Italian blood. I did an apprenticeship as a CFC electronics technician at the Ecole des Métiers du Valais, followed by a technical maturité. I'm currently doing my Bachelor's thesis at the Sion Engineering School (HES-SO) in the Mat-Tech research group. During my years at engineering school, I learned a lot about electronics and computer science. To be more precise, the IT skills I acquired during my training are: programming, communication systems, and networks. I served in the army (militia service is compulsory in Switzerland) between my second and third years of engineering school.

As far as programming is concerned, I know how to code in c, c#, c++, java, javascript, TypeScript, Python, VHDL and Assembler. So learning another language is a no-brainer.

I chose to join the Mat-Tech Lab group because it proposed a project to segment the cardinal structures of the eyes, "A-Eye", based on artificial intelligence and, more precisely, Deep Learning. This is the knowledge I'm looking to acquire for my future, as I want to do a Master's degree in AI at IDIAP, which is a renowned institution in this field. My project is supervised by Professor B.Franceschiello and Co-supervised by her research assistant J. Barranco. 

My hobbies are fitness, sports cars, mechanics and computers.
