Gianluca Giacchi (PhD Student in cotutelle between University of Bologna, University of Lausanne and HES-SO Valais-Wallis)

Email: gianluca (dot) giacchi (at) unil (dot) ch

Postal address:
- Ufficio Dottorandi, Piazza di Porta San Donato 5, 40100, Bologna, Italia
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Avenue de Provence 82, CH-1007, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Route de l'Industrie 23, CH-1950, Sion, Switzerland  

Personal website (link)

Research Interests. Time-frequency analysis topics. Complex Analysis. Compressed sensing and its applications to inverse problems in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). 

Short Bio. I was born in Milan, where I studied my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mathematics at University of Milan (Unimi). I acquired a general background during my bachelor’s period, both in theoretical and applied aspects of mathematics. My master’s degree was focused on modern mathematical analysis, with particular emphasis on Fourier analysis and its multiple branches. I am a Ph.D. student at University of Bologna (Unibo) and University of Lausanne - CHUV (Unil), and my research is focused on convex optimization problems with applications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Namely, I am studying the problem of determining the optimal tuning parameter for LASSO problem mathematically. I am parallely working on time-frequency analysis, with particular emphasis on studying original joint time-frequency representations defined through metaplectic operators.
