Other Mod Projects

NPC Visual Transfer Tool (Port): 

Take any humanoid NPC you find in-game and perfectly transfer its visuals onto any other NPC by creating an override and modifying its record info. 

This mod aims to add new crafting recipes, harvestables, weapons and armor to the game for the hunter/gatherer character, utilizing existing materials and adding new ones so your character can live off the grid. ex - craftable bandages that restore health, createable scent masks that improve sneak, and craftable bone, stone, and flint weapons.

Living Off the Land - A Hunting-Gathering Mod SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) 

Silvercraft - Smelting Breakdown SSE (Port): 

This mod allows you to collect various silver items and smelt them down at a smelter into silver bars. Good for thieving characters.

Silvercraft - Smelting Breakdown SSE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)