News & Events

2023/11/06 - IToMM World Congress 2023

We have attended the 16th IToMM World Congress 2023 in Tokyo, where we have presented our two papers entitled:

We were pleased by the presence of many colleagues from NCU and other Taiwanese Universities.

Participants from Taiwan

Gala dinner

2023/11/04 - France and Taiwan workshop on Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery

We have co-organized the first workshop on Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery (RoCAS 2023) with the University of Poitiers and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. It has been help on November 4th 2023 in Taoyuan City. The aim of this workshop is to provide an international platform for medical doctors, academic researchers, engineers, students and private industrials involved in the field of Robotic and Computer Assisted Surgery, to share their latest research results and vision on future research directions in this areas.


The program included presentations from medical doctors:

- Professor Jean-Charles Le Huec, Bordeaux University Hospital, France

- Doctor Rémi Mariey, Private Hospital of Saint-Martin, France

- Doctor Tanguy Vendeuvre, Poitiers University Hospital, France


- Professor Cheng-Wei Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

- Professor Kenji Kawashima, The University of Tokyo, Japan

- Professor Irwansyah Idram, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

- Professor Shih-Lin Wu, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

Private entrepreneur: Chieh-Hsiao Chen, Brain Navi Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Taiwan

Group photo

Keynote speakers and organizers

2023/09/27 - Experiments in the University of Poitiers

We have been invited by the Pr. Amine Laribi from the University of Poitiers to conduct a series of experimentations on Human cadavers at the ABS Lab., with the Dr. Sheng-Han Huang from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. The collected data will bring crutial information for the design of a robot for cervical surgery.

Group photo

2023/09/18 - CNRS-NSTC Workshop

On September 18th 2023, a workshop has been held in the Headquarter of the CNRS in Paris to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of France and Taiwan scientific collaboration. During this event, French and Taiwanese academics has presented the research sponsored by French and Taiwanese research program. 

Along with our collaborator Pr. Amine Laribi from the University of Poitiers, we have presented our research outcomes in the CNRS-NSTC International Research Project: "Robotic Assisted System for Safe Cervical Surgery".

At the end of the ceremony, an NSTC-CNRS Bilateral MoU Renewal has been signed by the Chairman and CEO of the CNRS Antoine Petit and the Deputy Minister of the NSTC Yi-Juang Chern.

CNRS-NSTC workshop ceremony

Signature of Bilateral MoU Renewal

Gala dinner

2023/05/24 - IFToMM MeTrApp 2023

We have attended the 6th IFToMM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications (MeTrApp 2023) organized by the University of Poitiers, France, May 24-26, 2023 where we presented our paper entitled: "Use of Serial Planar Linkages for an Augmented R-CUBE Mechanism with Six Degrees of Freedom". 

Also, Pr. Terence Essomba has served as a member of the Award Committee and has chaired a session.


Award ceremony

Gala dinner

2022/12/05 - Visit from University of Poitiers

Our Department has received the visit of a delegation from the University of Poitiers, composed of: Pr. Amine Laribi, Pr. Said Zeghloul, Pr. Juan Sandoval and Ms. Alizee Koszulinski. This visit has been organized as part of an research collaboration founded by the French CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). 

During this one-week visit two seminars has been performed: "Redundant robots for robotic-assisted medical applications” by Pr. Juan Sandoval  and "On the design of assistive robotic solutions: application to cable-driven parallel robots” by Pr. Amine Laribi.

Two meeting has been organized with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of French Language of NCU in order to discussed potential student exchanges.

Another meeting has been organized with the neurosurgeon Dr. Chieh-Tsai Wu from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital as part of ongoing research collaboration on robotic cervical surgery.

Pr. Laribi's presentation

Pr. Sandoval's presentation


2022/09/14 - Keynote speech at the ICECME 2022

Pr. Terence Essomba has given a keynote speech at the International Conference on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering on September 14th 2022 in Indonesia. The presentation entitled "The Contribution of Mechanisms  in Medical Robotics" was performed online.

Keynote speech award

2022/08/02 - Speech at Café des Sciences 

Pr. Terence Essomba has given a speech at Café des Sciences organize by the French Office of Taipei on August 2nd 2022. The presentation entitled "Mechanism Optimization for the Design of Craniotomy Robots" was performed online. We are very grateful for the French Office of Taipei for giving this oportunity to share our work with people.


Online presentation

2021/04/07 - Speech at NTU

Pr. Terence Essomba has given a speech on medical robotics and mechanism design at the National Taiwan University on April 07th 2021. We are very grateful for the invitation from Pr. Cheng-Wei Chen.

2020/11/13 - CSMMT 2020

We have presented our research at the 第23屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會 (CSMMT) on November 11th 2020 at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan. Our presentation was entitled "Workspace Characterization of the 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Mechanism".

Pr. Essomba's presentation

2020/10/14 - Speech at NTUST

Pr. Terence Essomba has given a speech on medical robotics and mechanism design at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on October 14th 2020. We are very grateful for the invitation from Pr. Po-Ting Lin and Pr. Linh Nguyen Vu.

Pr. Essomba's speech

2019/10/28 - IFToMM ISRM 2019

We have attended the 6th IFToMM International Symposium on Robotic and Mechatronics (ISRM 2019) organized by the NTUST on October 28th 2019 at Taipei. Three presentations have been performed:

One of our paper have received the Best Application Paper Award.

Also, Pr. Terence Essomba has served as a member of the Programm Committee and has chaired a session.

Pr. Essomba's presentation

Sinh Nguyen Phu's presentation

Best Application Paper Award

2019/11/01 - Signature of MOU with University of Poitiers

We are pleased to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of Poitiers on November 1st 2019 at the NCU's Office of International Affairs (OIA).  The document was signed in the presence of the Vice-President of the OIA, Pr. Hsieh-Lung Hsu.

Signature of MOU