About Me

Hi! I'm Marie!

A French doula in Houston!

My family and I started our adventure in Houston in 2012. I moved from France with my husband and our adorable 15-month-old baby girl. Eight months after our arrival, our family welcomed our lovely second daughter.

What a challenge to have a baby in a new country, another language, and far from family and friends.

At this time, I realized how new moms could feel alone, stressed and unconfident. The pressure is high in our modern society and the journey into motherhood is not always filled with joy, fun and happiness.

I truly believe that we must take better care of expectant and new mothers for a healthier and more positive experience for the mother, baby, and family. Thanks to my experience and my training as a labor and postpartum doula, I will work with you to choose consciously what best suits you and your baby.

I really love my role of supporting, encouraging, caring, and educating women during their journey into motherhood. What a great reward to be by your side during this wonderful time of your life!

Your French doula,
