Member Bio Guidelines


  • Do not go over 250 words.

  • Be as objective as possible. Use a neutral tone when discussing controversial or negative subjects.

  • Keep the reader in mind. Be succinct and clear, and don't include things that aren't important.

  • Try to avoid using words like "recently", or other things that date the article. Use absolute times instead.


Each separate fact about the member should be its own bullet point, sorted into one of these four sections:

MB History

Accomplishments and associations within Marble Blast itself, irrespective of other community matters. General statements are good, along with any of the following specifics, if they are sufficiently notable:

    • Leaderboards rankings.

    • Tournament victories or high finishes.

    • Very significant world record runs or paths.

    • Significant level creations.

Community History

Accomplishments and roles in the community; information unrelated to the game itself that would identify the member within the community. These can include:

    • Staff positions.

    • Leadership positions in significant community events - for example, Kalle’s position as head of the Salt Mine discord server.

    • Significant entrances or exits from the community, especially bans.

    • Significant outside connections with other members of the community - for example, Lamp’s connections with Nature Freak and hPerks.

    • Former usernames, and/or prominent nicknames. If someone has an alternate name that is still in use, and significant enough that it needs mentioning, put it in the header - for example, Lambencee / Aaron Youch.

Relevant Memes

Things related to the member that the community makes jokes about, with explanations and context if necessary. Should serve as a reference for people who don’t get the jokes. These might include:

    • Memes related to things in the member’s history, both positive and negative: things they have said or done that are meme-worthy - for example, Andrew Sears’ “fucking permission” comment or Xedron’s history of leaving the community.

    • Memes related to aspects of the member’s personality, both positive and negative. Be very delicate when talking about these, and remember that these memes probably don’t accurately reflect reality, and are more often just associations - for example, Jeff’s association with being gay, or hPerks’ association with incest.

    • Memes that were popularized by this member - for example, Matan’s “Replay of the Day” videos.

    • “The community’s resident X” - if this member is invariably associated with jokes about a specific group of people to which they belong. For example, Kurt is the resident Aussie, and Threefolder and Whirligig are the resident furries.


Usually other things about the member’s overall personality that have not turned into memes - for example, Lee’s interest in art and design.

Don't repeat the same fact in two different sections; if, for example, the member has a significant accomplishment that is also a meme, separate the accomplishment from the meme. As an example, see the parts in Frostfire's bio about being in his own multiplayer tournaments.


  • One of the main problems of the intro doc was that its initial purpose was unclear. Initially, members were not listed unless they had specific associations with memes or personality traits, even if they were significant in other (usually game-related) ways. Over time, these significant players, level creators, staff members, etc. were added to the doc, making it bloated and disorganized, and blurring the line between meme and fact.

  • In the aim of making this site more inclusive and welcoming, the site and the structure of these member bios are designed such that everyone who contributes something to the community is recognized for it, and the distinction between meme and fact is made clear.