Site Guidelines


This site was created as a replacement for the "Intro to the MB Community" document from 2016, as a way to address the issues with that document, which was much more casual, tongue-in-cheek and out of date, and thus didn't make a good impression on its new audience.

It's also intended to serve some of the purposes of the all-but-defunct Marble Blast Wiki. We recognize that our community is far too small and (by and large) young to maintain a comprehensive wiki about the game, and keep it up-to-date.

This is intended as a sort of middle ground between those two extremes.


  • The site, like the original document, will be primarily centered on the community, and its prominent members. Each member bio will be on its own page, and will be accessible from the alphabetical list of members.

  • To prioritize the more important bios, additional lists of members will be created and curated carefully. In this way, the notable players, level creators, community contributors, etc. don't have to fight for priority.

    • Members in these lists without bios will receive priority over those who do not fit in the lists.

    • The primary purpose of these lists will be as a way to organize the bios of important members, so people know where to look for them.

  • Stricter quality control will be in place for the member bios. See the Member Bio Guidelines.

  • When useful, additional pages can be created that focus on specific events, or specific memes, if those things merit a lot of context.

    • [TO DO: Guidelines for the event / meme articles. Ideally, a few more of each should be created first, to get a general sense of what a good structure for these articles should be.]