Cards Against Humanity Memes

These are some of the memes that originated during community Cards Against Humanity sessions. Often, these sessions devolve into a series of "meta" references to previously-played hands.

  • Saint Louis - the OG CAH meta meme. hPerks put this as a card in his deck because noby lives there, and we would occasionally make fun of how much of a basket case it is. When it was played for the first time, noby said something like "why saint louis?" As a response to this, people started playing "Saint Louis" as a custom card in response to every question.

  • "Who am I?" - a reference to a blog post by Nock, in which they announced that they were transitioning. A link to the blog post was played as a custom card in response to one of the questions, to humorous effect, and people began to riff off of it in future rounds.

  • Flaccid Penis Computer - a thought experiment devised by Whirligig, which he was talking about on voice chat while a CAH game was going on. The premise is that if a guy has a fetish for flaccid penises, and he looks at two other guys' penises, his penis will only be flaccid if the other two are erect. This is essentially the behaviour of a NAND gate, with erect = true and flaccid = false. Then, since a computer can be constructed entirely out of NAND gates, you could conceivably build a computer out of flaccid penis fetishists.

  • PQ crashed! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - originated by Yoshicraft224, when he just played a variant of this in response to every question. Eventually, the meme became forced enough that others started picking it up.

  • ma tan - in response to the question card "Describe Matan in two cards", multiple people did the exact same thing of using two custom cards with just the syllables "ma" and "tan" on them.

  • the past - one of the question cards contained the quote: "May I have a link to ________, ________, and ________ please?" In response to this, three different people made the exact same pun of listing three Zelda games for the blanks, with the first blank containing simply "the past", making the phrase "a link to the past".

  • special rounds - hPerks added a number of "special round" cards to his 500-card custom deck, to be used by a player in lieu of an actual response to a question, instead being used to alter the way that voting happened. For example:

    • Aussie voting! Everyone must now vote for the second-funniest option.

    • Doubler! This card, used in conjunction with another card in a Q2 or Q3, doubles the amount of funny in that card.

  • Eventually, these cards became satirized, for example using the "Doubler!" card in a Q2 with the second card being "Halver!" as a custom card. It started with Yoshicraft224 typing a custom card that simply said "Voting! Everyone must now choose a card!"