Hari OM!
Important questions to contemplate:
Why study Gita?
Why vacations?
What we are really looking for in life?
What is behind all the movements within and without?
What is the absolute changeless entity within myself?
What are the differences between (Absolute) Truth and Facts?
What is the source of all life experiences?
How is Awareness the absolute changeless entity?
Why we are unable to recognize the awareness easily?
What are the three states of mind?
What is the state of Tamas mind? What are it effects? What is its knowledge?
What is the state of Rajas mind? What are it effects? What is its knowledge?
What is the state of Saatva mind? What are it effects? What is its knowledge?
If I am the awareness, what is this experience (Emotions)?
Is this awareness - the absolute changeless entity, equally present in all?
Why values are important?
Which chapters of the Gita have the values we should follow?
What influences influences the choice of our faith, food, worship, discipline and charity?
How one develops tendencies (vasanas)?
Describe Saatvic, Rajasa and Tamasa type of faith worship
Describe Saatvic, Rajasa and Tamasa type of food habits
How to "Build our own Paradise?"
Topics covered on November 18, 2018
We narrated the story of “building a paradise”.
Short version of the story – Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. The rule of the kingdom is anyone can be a king and rule for five years. After five years, they had to retire to a forest where living conditions are at worst with wild beasts. Many kings happily ruled for five years and after five years they suffered in the forest and got killed by the wild animals.
Then, there came a king, who renovated the forest to living conditions during his tenure of five years. He happily retired in the forest happily after his tenure as the king.
Moral of the story: We all can build our own paradise by making the best use of our time in the early ages of our life, so that we can continue to live happily even during the later stages of life
How? By following the values described in Gita. This means, we overcome the Tamasic and Rajasic gunas and follow Saatvic guna while performing obligatory actions and seek the Knowledge
To recall and reflect on the characteristics Gunas based on real life situations, we played the wheel of Gunas game.
We had four teams for this game. One team acted out the life situation and the other team identified the right guna
This game helped us to become aware of our intentions and actions for a given life situation and reflect upon the type of characteristics to overcome and the ones to follow.
It was a fun game and glad to see the teams were able to identify the gunas correctly except couple of them
With this exercise of being aware and reflecting our life situations with the values to follow, we are well on our way to building our own paradise.
Topics covered on November 11, 2018
We played wind and unwind game and reviewed the topics we have covered so far
We continued 17th chapter of Gita
Saatvic People eat energy giving and tasty food which brings cheer and presses health
Rajassic People like to eat bitter sour salty excessively hot and fried things which damage their health and bring sorrow in the long run
Tamasic ones like cold, preserved tasteless and unclean food with strong small and left overs
Topics covered on November 4, 2018
Briefly discussed the events that led to Arjuna's dejection in war.
We quickly went over the summary of 16 chapters.
Discussed about the significance of values and why they are important to discover the absolute changeless entity - truth - SELF
Commenced the 17 chapter of Gita - Three-fold faith
This chapter explains how the three gunas influences the choice of our faith, food, worship, discipline and charity
By being aware of Gunas, we will understand how they impact us and others.
Answering Arjuna's question on the influences of three gunas, Krishna explains that human beings carry impressions of actions from birth to birth
These impressions influence an individual's mode of life
Individuals must have had developed slowly and gradually, through successive births the tendency to undertake the spiritual pilgrimage
Faith is the fruit of the tendencies (vasanas) through successive births and they can be of three kinds - Saatvic, Rajasa and the Tamasa
Saatvic faith worships the benevolent Gods - without any expectations from the God and more love towards the God
Rajasa faith worships the Gods of wealth and power – more of a business transaction with the God
Tamasa faith courts evil spirts - the dead and the devils – the intention is to bring misfortune to their enemies
Topics covered on October 28, 2018
We had Kahoot on the topics we had covered so far. Congratulations to the winning team.
More importantly, kudos to all the participants as we are pleased to witness that more than 90% of the questions were answered correctly.
After the Kahoot, each one of you, shared your predominant guna with examples.
Being aware of your predominant guna will help you to give your best in all that you do. Specifically, it enables you to recognize the absolute changeless entity.
You had provided feedback of the class and shared some of the key words / take away of the topics covered so far.
We encourage you to continue to participate in the class discussions.
We will commence our curriculum - Gita for Children in the next class
Topics covered on October 21, 2018
We have introduced "Mentimeter" an online application that enables you to interactively participate in the class and provide feedback.
Going forward, we will use this platform on a needed basis in the classroom.
We are unable to recognize the source - the absolute entity, because our state of mind is predominantly Tamas and / or Rajas.
When our state of mind is similar to murky water, where there is little to no reflection, we will be ignorant of the source.
State of Tamasic mind - Ignorance, Attachment to dullness and sleep, Procrastination or avoiding doing the impending obligatory work and Total dejection in everything
Effect of Tamasic mind - Does not give up fear and grief, Self-torture or hurting others, Unsteady, arrogant, and dishonest and Happiness which begins and results in self-delusion
Knowledge of Tamasic mind - Knowledge that is confined to Holding on to a single effect as if it were the whole, without understanding of the truth
When our state of mind is similar to turbulent water, where there the light is reflected in many different directions, we observe multitude sources of light
State of Rajasic mind - Passionate, Attachment to action and its result, Giving up action due to pain and
Misunderstanding of what is right and wrong
Effect of Rajasic mind - Easily elated or dejected, Greed ,Unrest, longing and pain, Exhibitionism and seeks to gain honor Happiness arises from the contact of object with sense, at first like nectar, but at the end like poison
Knowledge of Rajasic mind - Knowledge that sees in all beings various entities of distinct kinds as different from one another
State of mind
Pure and the light of intelligence shines
In Tamas and Rajas, the thought, actions and speech are not aligned. In Saatva, those three are aligned and there are no conflicts among them. Here we can see the intelligence - the source shines similar to that of light in the calm and study water
Seeks Knowledge
In Tamas and Rajas, we have seen the focus is on the action; to lazy / procrastinate actions and being attached to the actions respectively.
In Saatva, the focus is on the knowledge of the source, hence constantly seeks the source, in the midst of actions.
Performs obligatory actions without attachment to the results
In Tamas, obligatory actions are avoided and In Rajas, the actions are performed with attachment to the results.
In Saatva, the obligatory actions are performed (no laziness) without worry, regret or anxiety of the outcomes of the actions.
Clear understanding of the truth
In Tamas, there is total dejection due to ignorance and in Rajas, we have misunderstanding of what is right and wrong due to multiple distracted actions.
In Saatva, as the mind remains pure, seeks only the source and perform required actions without attachment to the results, it has a clear understanding of the truth
Effect of this type of mind
Enthusiastic and unaffected in success or failure
In Tamas, we have seen the dejection towards actions and there is fear and grief and in Rajas there is an emotional attachments to the results of the actions.
In Saatva, we are enthusiastic about performing obligatory actions and remain equanimous irrespective of the outcome of the actions.
Wisdom, strength and cheerfulness
In Tamas, due to fear and grief, self-torture or hurting others are prevalent. In the case of Rajas, we become greedy, longing towards outcome of the actions.
In Saatva, since the focus is on the source of knowledge, there is wisdom (actions are performed with the knowledge). Thus, the actions are performed with confidence with cheerfulness.
Happiness which comes to the end of pain; That which is like poison at first, but like nectar at the endExhibitionism and seeks to gain honor Happiness arises from the contact of object with sense, at first like nectar, but at the end like poison
As the actions are procrastinated, there is dishonesty, arrogance with Tamasic state of mind. In Rajas, there is exhibitionism as we seek to gain honor. In both cases, there is happiness in the beginning and ends up in self-delusion and poison at the end.
Whereas in Saatva, there could be pain to perform the required actions (example studying for the exam), but the effect is happiness at the end (getting better grades)
Knowledge of this type of mind
The Knowledge by which the one indestructible Substance is seen in all beings, inseparable in the separated
In Tamas, the knowledge is confined to single effect and in Rajas, knowledge is multitude.
In Saatva, the focus is on the source of knowledge, which is single, unique and equally present in all the entities.
This means in Saatva, the knowledge is steady with the source - absolute entity, in the midst of performing various types of obligatory actions.
We finally arrived at recognizing our source - the absolute changeless entity - Awareness.
Now, we still go through many experiences in the form of emotions. What is the relationship between the Awareness and the experiences? To understand this, we will go through the second theory - "Theory of Conditioning"
Earlier, we have seen the "Theory of Reflection", where we traced our experience (emotions) to its source (absolute entity). Now, let us start from the source to the experience.
What is reflected light?
It is nothing but conditioned light. How?
Depending on the type of water (Murky, Turbulent and Calm and Steady), the reflection varies.
But in all the cases, the reflected light there is a common factor and that is light itself.
Thus the reflected light is nothing but the conditioned light - "Theory of Conditioning"
Similarly, what is our experience?
It is nothing but conditioned awareness. How?
Depending on the state of mind (Tamas, Rajas, Saatva), the experience varies (Fear, Anger, Jealously, Cheerful).
But in all the cases, the experience there is a common factor and that is the awareness.
Experience existence depends on the awareness
Experience comes and goes - cannot be held for a long time
As a result the experience changes continuously
In all these experiences, I exist and I am aware as the existence is inseparable from awareness.
Thus the experience is nothing but conditioned awareness - "Theory of Conditioning"
The light (Sun) equally shines all the buckets of water. However, the reflected light will vary depending on the medium of the water - Murky, Turbulent and Calm & Steady water
Similarly, no one can deny their existence which is inseparable from awareness.
This awareness equally shines in all our minds and bodies. However, the experience will vary depending on the state of mind - Tamas, Rajas and Saatva
Awareness is ONE across all individuals and objects, but experiences differ based on the mental conditions
This also shows that the Awareness is the SINGLE ABSOLUTE CHANGELESS ENTITY that is present in ALL
In the first class, we had discussed there are movements within and without. Since the movements means continuous changes, we can neither hold on to one single movement nor can hold on to its effect.
Thus, there is a need to find a place (absolute changeless entity) where we can completely relaxed - at peace in spite of continuous movements
We find this changeless entity should be within us and we recognized that it is nothing but the existence that is inseparable from awareness.
To recognize this awareness, we need a steady and calm mind - Saatvic mind.
But, Saatvic mind is also a movement, that means no one is free from Rajasic and Tamasic mind. Now, the goal is to expand the window of Saatvic mind to recognize and abide in the Self
To accomplish that, we need to follow values as explained in 13th and 16th chapter of Gita
Next week, we will have a quiz on the topics we have covered so far using "Kahoot". We will randomly form the groups and the winning group will receive "Starbucks" gift card. Please come prepared and Good luck!
Topics covered on October 14, 2018
Facts are many and relative from a given perspective. Truth is one, the absolute changeless entity, from all perspectives
How to recognize the absolute changeless entity (Truth / Source), which is not apparent to us? – Via Theory of Reflection (TOR)
TOR - We trace the reflected light to its source - the Sun. Reflected light => water => in a bucket => to its source - light from the Sun
Similarly, Experience / Emotion (reflected light) => state of mind (water) => expressed in the body (bucket) => to its source - Awareness – Truth / absolute changeless entity (Sun)
Existence (I exist) is ever present at all times. Can your existence be here and your awareness separate from existence? Or can your awareness be here and your existence separate from awareness?
Awareness and existence are inseparable and makes all movements possible and both never changes.
Once I recognize ourselves as this awareness, we are perfectly relaxed, at PEACE because it is the constant that doesn't change at all. This is nothing but meditation or liberation
If this is so simple to recognize our true self (Self Knowledge) what is preventing us from recognizing that and relax there.
Let us look at three states of mind with water
Murky water
Turbulent water
Clear and calm water
Murky water - A little to no reflection.
Since the reflection is not clearly visible, we can't trace the light back to its source
Turbulent water - Light is reflected in many different directions
Since the light is reflected in many different directions, there appears to many sources of light
Clear and calm water - The reflected light is pure and steady
Since the reflected light is clear and steady, we see the source of light clearly
The water represents the state of mind of our experience / emotions, we are going to identify the corresponding state of mind for each type of mind.
We are unable to recognize the source, because our state of mind is predominantly Tamas and / or Rajas.
State of mind
When the state of mind is similar to murky water, it will not be able to trace it to our source. Thus, we are ignorant of the source - Truth - Absolute changeless entity
Attachment to dullness and sleep
Being ignorant of the source, we feel dull, lazy and lean towards sleeping
Procrastination or avoiding doing the impending obligatory work
When the mind is ignorant and dull, even the necessary work is not carried out
Since the state of mind is similar to the murky water, it do not find any valuable outcomes of the work
Total dejection in everything
The ignorant, dull, procrastination mind does not find any positivity or optimism towards life.
But, it finds blaming the people and the environment around it.
The mind does not find any hope in the future.
All these results in total dejection in everything including oneself
Effect of this type of mind
Does not give up fear and grief
When the intended work is postponed or avoided, the world (people and things around us) will push or punish us. This punishment results in fear and grief. For example, if the student does not submit the homework on time, then the teacher will push or score poor grades. This induces fear and grief in the student.
Self-torture or hurting others
To overcome the fear and grief, the mind will retaliate and hurt oneself or others
Unsteady, arrogant, and dishonest
Instead of correcting one's behavior, the mind becomes arrogant and goes on lying.
The mind will be in constant commotion and unable to find the steady and meaningful path to lead the life
Happiness which begins and results in self-delusion
The laziness and dullness of the mind promotes happiness, but as it results in fear, grief, arrogant and dishonest, the mind becomes unsteady, bounded by self-delusion
Knowledge of this type of mind
Knowledge that is confined to holding on to a single effect as if it were the whole, without understanding of the truth
Here knowledge is identified with the fact (relatively changeless entity) as if it were the whole
Since the fact changes (relative in nature), the mind cannot accept the outcomes, which are associated with fear, grief and total dejection
In spite of all these effects, the mind still believes what is holding on to it is the truth
Due to dull and lazy behavior, the student postpones the study for the test.
This results in poor grade.
Because of the punishment in the form of poor grades, the students ends up in fear and grief
Instead of correcting one's own behavior, the student may blame it on the parents, teachers, the school they are in, the environment etc.,
As the student continues to get poor grades, finds no hope in the future studies and ends in dejection in everything
The happiness arises in the mind, when the student postpones the study, but results in misunderstanding and error
In spite of all these ill effects, the mind still believes that her understanding, knowledge is the truth
State of mind
We have many thoughts, when a specific thought becomes so important and emotionally attached, it becomes passion. We pursue this passion which is expressed in the form of actions.
Attachment to action and its result
If the passion becomes so strong, the attachment to these actions and their results are inevitable. In other words, we get entangled by the actions and their results.
Giving up action due to pain
Some of the actions' (movements - changing entities) may not get the desired results and we may end up disliking the action, even if it is a mandatory action. Based on the past results, one may give up the required action. This is nothing but anxiety about the result
Misunderstanding of what is right and wrong
As one is emotionally entangled with the thought and actions as a result of strong passion, the vision of what is right and wrong is lost. In this case, whatever action gives pleasure seems to be the right and that gives pain seems to be wrong.
Effect of this type of mind
Easily elated or dejected
Since the state of mind is determined by the outcome of the emotionally attached actions, we get elated when the results of the actions go in favor and dejected when it goes otherwise.
Greed, Unrest, longing and pain
In spite of achieving the desired pleasure, the pleasure never satisfies us. This means ever wanting needs - greed. This is due to the ever changing entities - body, mind and the movement around us.
As the anxiety is present because of never satisfying needs, it creates unrest and longing throughout the life
Moreover, as some of the results of the actions bound not to go in our favor, we experience pain.
Exhibitionism and seeks to gain honor Happiness arises from the contact of object with sense, at first like nectar, but at the end like poison
The results of the actions are taken as achievements and they are compared with others. This means, we tend to exhibit the results and gain honor of those achievements.
The pleasure gives us happiness. But as we have seen earlier, no one can maintain the pleasure that arises out of the actions all the time, as it deteriorates over time. Thus, what it starts as the happiness, ends up in pain
Knowledge of this type of mind
Knowledge that sees in all beings various entities of distinct kinds as different from one another
As the pleasure reduces over time, it is natural to look for other things or actions to provide the happiness and avoid the mandatory actions that is unpleasant.
This means we will switching from one action to another for the pursuit of happiness. In that process, we will find that there are various entities of distinct kinds as different from one other.
In other words, there are many facts (relatively changing entities)
In the next class, we will discuss the example for Rajas, the state of mind, effect and knowledge of Saatva and theory of conditioning.
Topics covered on September 23, 2018
Mukundha class curriculum – Gita for children.
Why Gita? - Bestows knowledge and wisdom in all walks of life
Life is a continuous movement within and without
What we are really looking for? A place to relax (changeless entity), where we can remain unaffected by the movements – AT PEACE, in the midst of movements
What should be the characteristics of this place – Still, Pure, Completely secured
What makes any movement possible? – Changeless entity
What is the changeless entity within us? – (Sense objects to Senses) => Senses to Mind => Mind to Intellect => Intellect to Awareness (Absolute changeless entity)
Fact is the same as relative changeless entity. It is the truth from a given perspective. There are many facts, even for the same entity
Example: Sun
Fact of the Sun when observed from the surface of the earth: Sun rises in the East.
Fact of the Sun when observed from the space: Sun never rises or sets
Truth is the same as absolute changeless entity. It is the truth from all perspectives. Truth can be only one
Awareness - Existence, Consciousness principle
Irrespective of gender, theist, atheist, religion, caste, etc., everyone cannot deny that "I exist and I am consciousness of my own existence".
This awareness remains the same in all life situations
It is the same for everyone
We are going to use two theories
Theory of Reflection
Theory of Conditioning
How to recognize the changeless entity, which is not apparent to us? We have to start from what is known to us
We are able to recognize the changing entity easily. We will start with the changing entity and trace it to changeless entity
Let us see an example first - Reflected light.
We see that light is reflected by many mediums.
The reflected light can be
a dull reflection
reflected into multiple directions
a clear and solid reflection
The reflected light changes as the medium undergoes changes.
Thus, the reflected light and the medium are changing entities
What is the changeless entity behind them or what is source of this experience?
We observe the reflected light and notice the light is reflected in a bucket of water. Then, we investigate the source of light rays that hits the bucket of water.
We trace the source to the Sun
Here reflected light is the changing entity. Water can undergo change, or evaporate or bucket may leak thereby affecting the reflected light. However, the Sun remains relatively constant - changeless entity.
We go through many experiences in our life. It is usually expressed in the form of emotions such as happiness, angry, sadness, fear, envy, pity, hatred etc., No one can hold on to any one experience for a long time - indicating it is the changing entity.
What is the source of this experience - changeless entity?
Let us take an example of a life situation - desire to eat ice cream and consider two possible emotions: anger and happiness
Scenario 1: Emotion - Anger
Why am I angry? My eyes (senses) saw the ice cream (sense object), a desire arose in my mind and I asked my parent to buy an ice cream for me. My parents denied it and the desire is unfulfilled. The unfulfilled desire results in angry.
Where the emotion - angry is expressed? In the body. The body expresses the frustration (movement - changing entity)
Where the body gets the instruction - unfulfilled desire? In the mind - thoughts of dejection (movement - changing entity)
How do you know you are angry? - I am aware of it (changeless entity)
Scenario 2: Emotion - Happiness
Why am I happy? My eyes (senses) saw the ice cream (sense object), a desire arose in my mind and I asked my parent to buy an ice cream for me. My parents gladly purchased it and the desire is about to be fulfilled. The fulfilled desire is expressed as happiness.
Where the emotion - happiness is expressed? The body expresses excitement (movement - changing entity)
Where the body gets the instruction - about to be fulfilled desire? In the mind - thoughts of pleasure (movement - changing entity)
How do you know you are happy? - I am aware of it (changeless entity)
In both of these scenarios what is the changeless entity - Awareness (I am aware of the changing entities (movement in my thoughts and expressions in my body)
Here -
Experience (angry, happiness) is the reflected light,
Mind is the water
Body is the bucket,
Sun is the awareness.
We can substitute other experiences (fear, envy, pity, etc.,) and the corresponding movements of the body and mind. But, in all these movements, the awareness - "I am aware of these movements" is the changeless entity
Thus, using the reflected light (experience), we traced back to the Sun (Awareness)
Awareness is the changeless entity with respect to the movements (body and mind), But how awareness can be the absolute changeless entity?
In all the movements - changes in the body and emotions (anger, happiness, envy, fear, etc.,) you exist
The existence is present at all times. There are changes in the body and mind, but existence never changes
How do you know you exist? You are aware of your existence.
Can your existence be here and your awareness separate from existence? Or can your awareness be here and your existence separate from awareness?
Both awareness and existence has to be together. Thus, awareness and existence are inseparable
This awareness inseparable from existence doesn't change at all in spite of changes in the body and mind - absolute changeless entity
I AM this awareness existence. Once I recognize ourselves as this awareness, we are perfectly relaxed, because it is the constant that doesn't change at all. This is nothing but meditation or liberation.
In the next class, we will see if this is so simple to recognize our true self (Self Knowledge) what is preventing us from recognizing that and relax there. Link to top of the Page
Topics covered on September 16, 2018
As part of the curriculum, we will study Bhagavad Gita - the teachings of Lord Krishna. We are going to see how Bhagavad Gita is all about study of life situations and the life itself. In Mukundha class, we are going to see how Gita is so practical that bestows knowledge and wisdom in all walks of life.
First let us try to understand why we have to study Bhagavad Gita? We will start with what we know - the basic tenets of life and go into the teachings of Bhagavad Gita. This will guide us on why to take upon the study of Bhagavad Gita
There is a continuous movement both inside and outside of us.
There are movements inside the body – Example: Heartbeat, blood circulation
There are movements in the mind in the form of thoughts – Example: Thoughts about friends, movies, studies and work
There are movements outside of us - Example: Earth moving around the Sun
From the above statement, we understand the movement is inevitable. But, do we like movements all the time, even if they are the desired ones?
No. After sometime, the same movement itself becomes mundane and / or binding and we want to come out of it. Examples:
Watching movies for hours and days together
Eating favorite ice cream for hours
What are we really looking for? A place to relax, where we can remain unaffected by the movements - at PEACE while still in the midst of inevitable movements.
What should be its characteristics?
The place should be devoid of any movement. In other words, it should be still
The place can never be contaminated. It remains pure all the time.
It is completely secured. It should not be affected any movement. This means, it should be indestructible, imperishable, independent of all the movements.
Is there such a place? YES. We will identify that place step by step. Since we do not know much about this place, we will to understand the movement first and go deeper to find that place.
What is behind all the movements? For any movement to take place, there should be a changeless (at least, relatively) entity as the basis for the movements.
Snapchat Messages (Movement) and Phone (Relatively changeless entity)
Dancer (Movement) and Dance Stage (Relatively changeless entity)
Can a changeless entity be subject to movement? Yes, except one single entity. In the list below, what you see is that one changeless entity can be the movement to another changeless entity. That is why it is called relatively changeless entity, except the last one on the list.
Trains (Movement) and Track (Relatively changeless entity)
Tracks (Movement) and Earth (Relatively changeless entity)
Earth - Planets (Movement) and Sun (Relatively changeless entity)
Suns - Stars (Movement) and Galaxy (Relatively changeless entity)
Galaxies (Movement) and the Universe (Relatively changeless entity)
Universe (Movement) and the Source behind all - Brahman (Absolute Changeless entity)
What is the type of relationship between movements to the changeless entity (even, if it relative)? Many to one
REMINDER OF OUR GOAL - A place to relax, where we can remain unaffected by the movements (CHANGELESS ENTITY) - at PEACE while still in the midst of inevitable movements
We have seen some examples of movements and changeless entities outside of us. Let us look with in the movements and changeless entities.
Let us start with objects we see, hear, touch, taste and smell and go inward
Sense objects (Movement) and Senses (Relatively changeless entity)
Senses (Movement) and Mind (thought) (Relatively changeless entity)
Mind - Many thoughts (Movement) and Intellect (Relatively changeless entity)
Intellect - Many decisive thoughts (Movement) and the Awareness (Absolute Changeless entity)