Keshava Class
May 17,2020
Hari Om!
Hope you are all well!
Today, after her opening prayers, we chanted the Daily Prayers.
After that , we went straight into our story about how Duryodhana hatched a scheme
to end the Pandavas by setting fire to a lacquer house. After the Pandavas escaped
with the help of Vidura and went into the forest , we watched a short cartoon clip of when
Bhima killed Bakasur. Then we discussed how King Draupad performed a yagna to get a
son to help him regain his land from Drona, and that Draupadi came from the same
yagna. Then we heard about the swayamvara of Princess Draupadi and Arjuna winning
the very difficult archery contest, and how Karna was refused the chance to even try.
We also discussed the misunderstanding of Mother Kunti that led to Draupadi getting
married to all of the Pandava brothers.
We also listened to a short clip from Swamini Supriyananda entitled "This too shall pass" which I thought
would be appropriate for both kids and adults alike to help us through this difficult time.
No homework this week but if you didn't complete last week's- please do so- Chapter 26 and the questions
at the end of the chapter.
Next week we will still have the same Zoom link.
Stay safe!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
May 10, 2020
Hari Om!
Happy Mother's Day!!
Sorry it took a while for some of you to get in today to the class- please make sure that your child's full
name is listed in the waiting room so I know who is coming in. This is part of the security protocol that
all Balavihars have been instructed to follow. Also , it is the same Meeting ID and password for all our
classes in May, so next week should be seamless. There was also a glitch today where I was out of the
Zoom link but I was able to get back on in seconds, so no harm done. Thank you all for your patience!
Today, we started off with our usual opening prayers and then sang Janmidanamidam for Swami
Chinmayananda whose birthday was just celebrated on May 8th. (I hope some of you were able to
enjoy it on Chinmaya Channel on YouTube)
After that , we reviewed the homework- Chapter 24 and Chapter 25 and the questions following it.
We then went further into our story of the birth of the Kaurava clan and the life of all the princes. We
spoke about the history of Dronacharya and his feud with King Drapaud and also went into the history of
the development of Karna. We discussed the tournament in which Karna bests Arjuna. Duroydhana
befriends Karna and asks for his eternal loyalty and friendship in return.
For homework, please go on to Chapter 26 in the Bala Bhagvatam workbook part 2. (pages 60-62).
Also , if you have not had the kids watch the videos I sent last time, please do that.
One last exciting news is that this summer, in lieu of all the camps that we will be missing due to the
COVID-19 outbreak, there will be a ZOOM E-Bala vicar Summer Camp that is being held by all the
Swamis and Brahmacharins. This is from preschool to high school! Only $100 for 1 child and if more than 1 child is enrolled- it is maximum of $150. It will be for 2 hours per day- 11 AM-1PM EST from Monday--> Friday for 10 weeks. Please register early
as this is a global camp and will be filled for sure!!
We hope and pray that all of you remain safe and healthy!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Thank you for having your kids participate in the Zoom sessions!
Today, after our initial prayers, we reviewed the homework - students summarized the stories and then
we went over the homework questions.
We also went back to discuss about the conditions of the births of the Pandava brothers. We began
talking about Dritharasthra and Gandhari as well.
Many of the kids did not view the videos that I sent in the last email- please show them to the kids so
they get a nice history starting from King Shantanau.
From the Bala Bhagvatam Workbook Part 2- Chapter 24 and 25- read the chapters and also to the
questions on the back of both chapters. We will review at next class.
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today, after our opening prayers, we went over the "quiz" on the 24 gurus.
Since we completed the 24 Gurus (which was actually enumerated by Lord Krishna to Uddhava just before
he was leaving this earth) we are going back to the life of Lord Krishna and going to go into the
Mahabharat war. Today we reviewed Lord Krishna's life after the death of Kamsa.
We also started talking about the Pandavas and started with mother Kunti and her boon that she got from
Durvasa. We ended with her first try at the boon which resulted in the birth of Karna. There is a cartoon
that leads up to this section that I am attaching below. Each clip is just a few minutes and give a concise
history of the lineage of the Pandavas.
Also , please have the kids read Chapter 23 (page 48) in our Bala Bhagavatam part 2 Handbook. (it is
story of Rukmini and also the story of the Syamantaka jewel) and do the questions and coloring page after
Thank you and take care and stay safe!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today, we finished with the last of the 24 gurus with the Caterpillar or Butterfly. We learned that that
whatever one meditates or thinks of constantly, either through deep love, or fear or hatred, one will
attain that form and capture the qualities of that form. This is why we must all choose a proper hero that we can really aspire to be like.
Many of the kids shared their gurus - from candy, to an eraser, to a painting , to a hobby, to a Nerf gun!
Gargi Auntie and I have been very impressed with how the class as a whole has really embraced this
project and tried to find different gurus in everyday life. We ended by talking about how Sage
Dattatreya felt that his entire body was a guru since all the senses compete for attention and the organs
of action are constantly wanting their desires met. We, as human beings, alone, have the ability to
control the senses and the desires so that we do not become a slave to the body. We gave the example
of being on a runaway train.
Attached is a picture of the gurus that we discussed though we had changed it a little-
with the elephant we learned to control the sense of touch, and we learned about the Pingala Dancer
(not the courtesan) who taught us not have expectations because it leads to disappointment and also to
drop worrying about material things because only then can we see the whole picture.
Also the lapwing , we called the Osprey.
Also , the artisan , we described as the Arrow-maker.
Stay well and healthy and see you all next Sunday 10 AM- I will send out the meeting ID and
password that AM since that was recommended for security reasons.
Also, please have a look at Chinmaya Channel on YouTube since Swami Swaroopananda just started
Saturday morning story time -the videos are available to see and are nice since we have heard many
of the Krishna stories in class.
With love and respect,
the Keshava team.
Hari Om!
Happy Holi !
Today, after opening prayers, we reviewed the essence of the lessons from the previous gurus. Also, the kids shared
some of their new personal gurus - very innovative ones like TikTok which can help you express yourself better,
also a home (to be a shelter for others in need), and also a jacket (to make others also feel warm and cozy inside)!
Also, a Balavihar teacher, the Sun (to illuminate others), and Hand Sanitizer ( to clean others and oneself!)
Then we went on to our next few gurus:
16th- The Honey Gatherer who teaches us not to hoard but to use what we have and to share with others. We heard the
story of Alexander the Great and his realization towards the end of his life that for all the people he had conquered and
riches he accumulated, he would be taking nothing with him when he died. We also heard about the greedy barber who
was tricked into accepting riches from a Yaksha, only later to find out that he had offered it only to make him suffer,
not for his enjoyment.
17th- The Pingala Dancer who learned that one should give up desires for material wealth and spend more time thinking
about God.
18th- The Osprey who learned that when we try to hold on to things too tightly , we only bring unhappiness ,and when
we let go of things , we again become happy. We heard a funny story about Ramu, a simple worker who was given a
large amount of gold to bring home to his mother but traded it away multiple times and finally realized that true
happiness came from love and compassion that received when he finally met his mother.
19th- The Child who is innocent and truthful and not affected by honor /dishonor, and so has no ego. We then all took
turns recalling the story of The Emperor's New Clothes!
Afterwards, we finished up learning the Guru Paduka Stotram and did our closing prayers.
Please write your next guru in your book and make sure all the gurus that we learned about in class is also in your book.
Please write down your suggestions for the 24 Gurus play that we want to do for Annual Day on a slip of paper that
could be handed in.
Please practice Guru Paduka Stotram.
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today, after opening prayers, we reveiwed last week's gurus , and head a story about the bunny who was always
wanting something else. He finally learned his lesson, and understood that God gives whatever he needs, he shouldn't
be so picky! (Just like the python, we should also not be so picky!)
We went on to the next guru- the Ocean, and learned to stay equaniminos in both distressful situations as well as very
happy situations.
We also learned about the next 5 gurus because they each told us the importance of control of the senses.
1. The moth that is attracted to light- don't be so attracted to situations that could be dangerous.
2. The honeybee that gathers nectar from all the flowers and then sprinkles some of the pollen on other flowers- so we
too should collect knowledge from all sources, and impart knowledge to others when we can.
3. The elephant who loves to touch- we too should learn to control our senses
4. The fish who loves to taste- we too should control our food and consume healthy food.
5. The deer who loves music- we should be aware not to fall for sweet words of false praise.
The children also shared some of their gurus - books, video game programmers (who are always trying to improve the
quality of the product).
We then learned reviewed the verses of the Guru Paduka Stotram and learned the meaning and chanted the next verse.
We will try to finish in the next 2 weeks so we have time to keep practicing before Annual Day!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today we chanted her opening prayers and a few kids volunteered to share the gurus that they have learned from .. they
were: friends (teaches you to support one another!) , Balavihar (teaches you to change the world by first changing
yourself!) , money (teaches you to spend on only things you need, not want!) and music (music relaxes and calms
people as we should also try to do!) . I want to congratulate each and every one of your kids - they are doing an
awesome job!!
We then learned about the next 3 gurus of Sage Dattatreya:
1. Sun- teaches us to give to one and all without discrimation, and also to be gentle and patient.
2. Pigeon- teaches us not to be so attached that we are robbed of all our discriminative sensibilities.
3. Python- teaches to accept what is given, to not take more than what we need, and to refrain from hankering after
We also learned the next couple of verses of Guru Paduka Stotram and their meanings.
1. Continue to have your child work on their guru books- we will be giving out prizes for those who are completing this.
2. Complete word find and the puzzle -will go over next class.
See you for Shivratri celebration in the Mandir on Friday night!!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Thank you for bringing in your kids today on time - though there were still 4-5 kids who were late. We will be
implementing a new policy on tardiness- that is , 3 latenesses will count as 1 absence. Sudhaji spoke about this today
during announcements and all classes will be adhering to this policy as well. Please bring them at 10 AM sharp ! 9:30 AM if they would like to participate in Swaranjali (which is also very awesome!)
Today, after Shanti mantra and Dhyana shloka, we talked about the next 2 gurus that Sage Dattatreya spoke of. The first,
Fire, is the great purifier and equilizer- it consumes everything equally and leaves only ashes behind. It is a great force
of nature and we heard a story about how it needs to be treated with respect.
Then we spoke about the next guru, the Moon, which is constantly changing yet stays the same. Similarly , we should
accept that the world around us also changes and not get caught up with the ups and downs of life. We heard another
great story about the old man who always said "This too shall pass" as he went through both the ups and downs of life.
The kids shared some of their gurus- here are a few: Parents, paper (accepts everything), crayons ( bring color and fun
& enthusiasm into your own life), hands (be as helpful as your hands) were just a few! We were impressed with their
thought process! Please encourage your kids to continue each week with writing down a new guru that they have
observed in their own life.
We learned 2 more verses in the Guru Paduka Stotram and their meanings. Please practice with your kids as this will be
part of our Annual Day program.
1. All the kids will be brainstorming ideas for the Annual Day about the gurus. Have them write it on a paper to hand in.
2. New guru each week in your little book.
3. Practice Guru Paduka Stotram!
4. Shivratri is on Feb 21st, Friday- please try to attend the temple program!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Happy Republic Day!
Thank you for bringing your kids on time! Some are still coming 15 minutes late though- please do try a little harder!
Today, after our initial prayers, we had some of the kids talk about people /things that were like a guru to them. They had some very thoughtful ideas!
Also we learned about the next 2 gurus- Space and Water. We did a little exercise in class illustrating how speech is much like water- it can be cooling, refreshing, and purifying and sweet.
We also practiced the 1st verse of Guru Paduka Stotram.
Please remind the kids to write down the Gurus that we do in class in a small book- along with a picture (they can draw it or paste a picture of it) and what Sage Dattreya had said about what it taught him. Also, they should be writing down a guru that they have found in their everyday life that teaches them a valuable life lesson-please have them write it out in he back of the small book.
Reminder- no class next week- the next class in Feb 9th! I will not be in class that day- Gargi Auntie will be there though!
With love and respect,
The Keshava team!
Hari Om!
Happy Makar Sankranti ! Happy Pongal!
Today we chanted Shanti mantra, Dhyana shloka and Daily Prayers.
Then we discussed Sage Dattatreya's 2nd guru--Air- which teaches us purity and non-attachment. We did a fun game which really illustrated to the kids the folly of too many attachments.
We also had some kids read about who they felt was a guru to them in their life. One nice example from 1 child was glasses- which help people with poor vision see clearly ,but we too should try to see each situation /problem more clearly. Please encourage your child to write one down in their book each week with 1-2 sentences explaining it.
Also, we learned about John Goddard, an explorer who made a list of all his future goals by age 15- it was 127 things! And he completed 120 of them by the time he died.
For Homework, the kids will write their list of goals for their future as well.
Great job to the entire class for leading the prayers at
More than 50% of the class was more than 15 minutes late today- please be there at 10 AM sharp!
With love and respect,
The Keshava team.
Hari Om!
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a nice winter break!
Today, we had a LOT of LATE ARRIVALS- please try to be on time - we start promptly at 10 AM and it's
dfficult to re-oreint the kids to the story when they come in the middle.
After chanting OM x3 and Shanti Mantra and Dhyana shloka, and the Daily Prayers, we heard more
about Lord Krishna's pasttimes after the Mahabharat war.
We are now starting the second half of our curriculum- The 24 preceptors or Gurus.
We learned what Guru means , and of Uddhava learned about King Yadu and Sage Dattatreya's
conversation and talked about the first guru- Mother Earth. The earth teaches us patience and
endurance and forgiveness. Like the mountains and trees, one should dedicate one's life to the
welfare of all beings. We talked about the story The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. All the kids in the
class said that they have already heard the story before! We did hear a couple of short stories about
forgiveness and patience - one was about a Swiss scientist whose housekeeper accidentally threw
away years of his work, and then we heard about a traveller and a king and a mango tree ..
( another story about patience).
All the kids today were given a small book in which they will write down the preceptors that we learn
about in class, along with a picture of it. In the back of the book, they will also start finding a 'guru'
in their own life that teaches them a spiritual lesson. This can be either a person, place or thing.
See you at 10 AM sharp next week!
With love and respect,
The Keshava Team
Hari Om!
Today we chanted the Shanti mantra, Dhyana Shloka and learned the last 3 verses of Krishnashtakam. .
We also heard about Krishna and Balarama reaching Mathura and the end of Kamsa.
Also , we learned the story of Sudama.
We have some homework in the workbook to complete!
Next week we have the movie and then we will have our regular class on Dec. 22nd.
Please continue to practice with the kids!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today we chanted Shanti Mantra, Dhyana shloka.
We learned the next 3 verses of Krishanshtakam and its meaning.
We reviewed the homework- the children gave examples of how they had been Humble in this past week.
We also reviewed the answers in the workbook that were given for homework.
We started hearing the story of Kamsa sending Akroora to bring Krishna to him.
We also briefly spoke about Lord Krishna and the gopis and one of their famous pastimes of Raas. Then we actually
had the kids learn how to do Raas! Very fun!
For homework, complete the daily log for how we have controlled our senses each day this week. Also for homework,
we should do puja daily. It is not necessary to offer food, or water or flowers (but perfectly fine if they want!) but just
to do a mental puja of thanking the Lord for all that He has given to us. We discussed how God doesn't need anything
from us, and He will continue to provide for us regardless (just as any parent would) but for our own purification, it
is important to do it.
Practice Daily Prayers!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today we chanted Shanti Mantri, Dhyana shloka, all the Daily Prayers and Guru Stotram.
We learned the first 3 verses of Krishnashtakam and its meaning.
We also heard about the story of Krishna and the Brahmin ladies.
We also reviewed the homework assigned , including sharing some of what the children did this week about Sharing.
Next week , they are to make a daily log of how they were Humble.
We also made delicious yummy butter in class, maybe not exactly how the gopis did .. but close!!
Finish workbook up till p28 (up to Raas Leela story). Oh yes-- if you have some dandiya , please send it with the kids
next week!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
P.S: Please come to chant the Bhagavad Gita - all 18 chapters on Dec 8th, Sunday- will start at 2 - enough time to get
some lunch after Balavihar and has usually taken 3 hours to chant. Punidha Auntie will lead us and Krishnanji gives
a beautiful synopsis of each chapter which just enhances it!
Hope to see you all!
Hari Om!
Today ,we chanted Shanti Mantra, Dhyana Shloka and completed learning the Guru Stotram and its
We also spoke about why do we touch the feet of the guru or our elders. Also we spoke about why he
have so many deities. (ask your kids what they have learned!)
We also heard about how the kids practiced Forgiveness this week- it is a trait of Lord Vishnu that we
should all try to emulate. This next week, they were given the word "SHARE" and should write down an
example of how they shared with someone , for every day of the week.
We also did a word find they should finish up at home.
We heard the stories about Kaliya and Agha asuras.
Please finish up the workbook to page 23.
See you next week!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Happy Diwali!!
Thank you all for coming on this very special day!
Today , we chanted Shanti Mantra, Dhyana Shloka.
Then we learned verses 10-12 of the Guru Stotram and its meaning.
We also heard the stories of Lord Krishna's naming ceremony and some to the escapades of our lovable
butter thief! Then we listened to the stories of Narakasura (or Choti Diwali that was celebrated yesterday)
and also the 4th day of Diwali (tommorrow) where we do Govardhan
Then we all decorated a candle holder for Diwali! Please help them light it tonight!
Lots of fun and laughs!
We have class for the next 3 weeks! See you all next week!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today , we chanted Shanti Mantra, Dhyana Shloka, and the Daily Prayers.
We then heard about the stories of Poothana and Trinivarta.
We also learned verses 6-9 of the Guru Stotram and its meaning.
We then had a relay race where the children brought gifts for baby Krishna!
Lots of fun!
See you next week!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
Today, we had a short "quiz" on Lord Krishna's birth to review from last time.
Then we chanted the Shanti mantra, Dhyana shloka.
We then heard about the story of King Pariksit and the story about Kalyuga and the intro to
Srimad Bhagvatam.
We then learned the next 3 shlokas of Guru Stotram and its meaning.
Ended with a few riddles!
see you next week!
With love and respect,
the Keshava team
Hari Om!
To recap today's lesson- after chanting the Shanti mantra, Dhyana shloka and Daily Prayers:
1. Heard (and for many, re-heard) the story of Lord Krishna's birth.
2. Learned the first 3 shlokas of Guru Stotram and its meaning.
3. Yoga- Thoppukaranam x11
4. Played an ice breaker game.
5. Riddles of the day!
Please review all the prayers with the children- Guru Stotram is in the big blue My prayers book , page 87.
See you all with your hiking gear at Ramapo Valley Reservation (about 1-2 miles down the road from the Hindu Samaj Mandir) next Sunday! We will meet in the temple parking lot at 9:15 AM (it's early I know but that is because we are trying to arrange car/vanpool because of limited parking. If you are not going to reach until 9:40 AM- then just meet us directly at the park. We will be promptly leaving for the hiking trail at 10 AM so DO NOT BE LATE!!! The details will be sent out later today. Please RSVP on the GOOGLE FORM that you will be receiving soon , so that we can arrange for the correct amount of snacks. Thank you so much!
With love and respect,
the Keshava class
Hari Om!
We had our first day of Balavihar today!
Today, we reviewed our opening prayers: Om x3 and then chanted the Shanti Mantra:
Om saha navavatu,
saha nau bhunaktu
saha viryam karavavahai
tejas vinavadhitamastu, ma vidvisavahai
Om shanti , shanti, shantihi
May He protect us both (the student and the teacher)
May he bless us both with knowledge an nourish us
May we acquire the capacity (to study and understand the scriptures)
may our knowledge become briht and brilliant.
May we not fight with each other.
Peace, peace, peace.
Also Dhyana Shloka:
Vakratunda Mahakaya,
Suryakoti Samaprabham
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva,
Sarva-karyesu Sarvada.
O Lord, with a cruved trunk and a huge body, your brilliance is equal to that of 1 koti (crore) suns (which is actually 10 million). Kindly please remove all the obstacles in all my endeavors always.
Then we went through all the Daily Prayers. This is on page 14-18 of the large blue My Prayers book.
We did an icebreaker game to get to know each other , and then we concluded with :
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah,
sarve santu niramayah,
sarve bhadrani pasyantu,
Ma kascid dukha bhag bhavet.
May all be happy,
May all be healthy,
May all see auspiciousness everywhere.
May none be sorrowful.
Asato ma sadgamaya,
tamaso ma jyorigamaya,
Mrtyorma amrtam gamaya
Dear lord, lead us from untruth to Truth,
from darkness to Light,
from death to Immortality.
These prayers are also in the My prayers book, pages 19-20.
1. Please have your child practice the Daily Prayers every day.
2. Have them bring a a pencil and a folder to class - so far we do not need any books for them to purchase, except for the My Prayers book, if they do not have it.
Have a wonderful week!
With love and respect,
Keshava BV team