Madhava class

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March 17 2019

1.We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers. We are happy that most of the kids know the prayers from the "My prayers" book.

2.We practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet .We were telling the kids that they could lead the assembly if they come on time.Please,we request you to be at the temple by 9.55am.

3. We continued with our story of Rama,Sita and Lakshmanan building their ashram in Chitrakoota hills and the fashback story of Dasharatha and ascetic boy Shravana.

4.We discussed about qualities and the kids were able to differentitae between Dharma and Adharma (qualities of Rama and Kaikeyi)

5.We discussed what can be done for Annual day,students gave ideas like doing a skit,singing and dancing.We will brainstorm in the coming weeks and finalize the performance.


1. Read Ramayana story from the text book.

2. Practice prayers.


March 10 2019

1.We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2.We practiced the last 2 invocation prayers from the BV packet as the words were tough for the kids.We would want the kids to lead the assembly next week,so please bring them on time.

3. We continued with our story of Ramayana with Rama ,Sita and Lakshmana getting ready to go to the forest.We also introduced the characters- minister Sumantra and boastmen Guha.

4.We had a pop up quiz of the class and we were glad that most of the kids were able to answer the questions asked from the story.

5. All our updates have been added to the Balavihar website as well.The url is


1. Read Ramayana story from the text book.

2. Practice prayers.


Feb 24 2019

1.We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet and completed the last 2 prayers that were pending.

3. We continued with our story of Ramayana of how king Dasharatha was shocked about the wishes of his queen Kaikeyi and begged her to change her mind.He had to sacrifice the love for his son for the promise he made to her.We asked the kids about "the promise they made to someone (either parent/sibling/friend) and if they kept or broke it.We ended the instruction with how Rama was an obedient son and to fulfill the wishes of his father,was ready to go to forest for 14 years with Sita and Lakshmana.

4.Please fill out the google form so that we know that your child can/cannot participate in the annual day and it will be easy for us to plan the performance accordingly.

5. All our updates have been added to the Balavihar website as well.The url is


1.Visit the temple upstairs and check out the gods and write down their names

2. Write about a time when you got "tempted" and how you overcame it ?


Feb 17 2019

Hari Om Parents,

I can't reiterate this enough-we are noticing that many kids are walking in late to the class. Balavihar Assembly starts promptly at 10 AM followed by the class.

Be on time-you are missing the morning prayers and Gita chanting which are an important part of the Balavihar curriculum! The kids have promised that they will come on time for the next class,we request the parents to motivate them as well.

We had a combined class with 1st grade (Achyuta) class,since there were only four 2nd graders (we understand it is a holiday weekend,so no issues)

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet.

3. Since there were only a handful of kids,we did not continue with instruction,rather played games like "Four corners" and "Duck duck goose" but customized it with Ramayana characters.

5. All our updates have been added to the Balavihar website as well.The url is

We have started discussing the theme for our annual day.We will be sending out a separate email in the coming weeks regarding our plan for the Annual day (June 9).Please RSVP if your kids will be able to participate in the performance that day.


Feb 10 2019

Yesterday we had some issue with the heaters in the class rooms in the lower level so both Achyuta and Madhava class were combined together and we had our class in the lower level auditorium right next to the stage.

We began our class by chanting Om three times and continuing our practice of Balvihar Invocation Prayers followed by Daily Prayers. We were happy to see that some of the students have now started practicing daily prayers and were able to remember them in order.

In Ramayana we reviewed what we have done so far and moved forward in the story where Queen Kaikeyi, whose mind is poisoned by Manthra is asking King Dashratha for her two Boons. On listening to Queen Kaikeyi's two boons, of Bharata to be crowned as the Prince and send Rama to the exile for 14 years, King Dashratha is very sad and falls sick. Rama then comes to King Dashratha and asks his father that why is he so sad and dejected and how can he help his father.

To make our class little more exciting and interactive, we asked the children that, if they were granted two wishes what would they ask for? We were amazed at what today's children would like. A lot of them wanted to be rich and have millions of pets (Not one or two but infinity was the word a kid used). One child said he wanted to have pet snakes in his basement to surprise his mom, as his mom is scared of reptiles. Video games like Minecraft and roadblocks were the second most favorite.Anyways there were a handful of kids who wanted to be the best in Math and who wanted to be good readers.

Please make sure that the children always bring the following things to class:

1)Prayer Packets

2)Homework Books

3)Pencil and Eraser

4)My Prayer Book

Homework for this week:

1) Practice Invocation prayers and Daily prayers

2) Find out the meaning of the word "Vidya"


Feb 3 2019- No class


Jan 27 2019

Before we give you the update,we are noticing that many kids are walking in late to the class. Balavihar Assembly start promptly at 10 AM followed by the class.Be on time-you are missing the morning prayers and Gita chanting which are an important part of the Balavihar curriculum! The kids have promised that they will come on time for the next class,we request the parents to motivate them as well.

We had a combined class with 1st grade (Achyuta) class.

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers. All the kids were given a chance to lead the prayers they have memorized.Please encourage them to do so.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet till “Om tryambakam yaja mahe".

3. We did a recap of Ramayana Bala Kanda and started with the next chapter Ayodhya Kanda,we introduced the character Manthara (kaikeyi's maid) and how she poisons the queen's mind.

We asked the students questions like -

1.How would you feel if your friend has a new toy that you dont have ?

2.How would you behave if your friends are doing a bad job?

3 Think what what your parents and elders have always taught and use it when they are not with you.

4.We did the second shloka in Guru strotram. This is in the "My Prayers" book,and the kids wrote the page numbers in their notebooks so that they know where to look.

5. All our updates have been added to the Balavihare website as well.The url is


1. Practice the prayers and guru strotram 1 and 2 verses.

2. Next class is Feb 10


Jan 13 2019

Happy New year!

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet till “Buddhir balam ”, the meaning was also explained

3. We spoke about new year,positive ideas and thoughts and also about resolution. Gargi aunty mentioned that all the kids should have a resolution to attend Balavihar regularly this year.

4.We recapped the story of Ramayana this week.We will be starting with the new chapter next Sunday.

5.We talked about Guru with this respect and Rama's Gurus' Vashista and Vishwamitra . We were a bit disappointed as children did not answer the questions we asked from Ramayana Balakanda.Again,we cant stress enough,please make the kids read the story at home,otherwise it will be hard for us to move forward with the new one.

6.We started and did the first shloka in Guru strotram. This is in the "My Prayers" book,and the kids wrote the page numbers in their notebooks so that they know where to look.

P.S - We noticed that the children are still having a hard time chanting on their own. Parents please practice with them. Invocation prayers are as hand outs and daily prayers are in the "My prayer" books.

For next class please have the children memorize at lease two and will get them to chant in front of class.


1. Write what new resolution you made for the new year ?

2. Practice Guru strotram 1st sloka.

3. Read Ramayana story.


Dec 16

Pizza party


Dec 9 2018

We had a combined class with 1st grade (Achyuta) class as Radhika aunty was away.

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers. The 2nd graders led prayers repeated by the 1st grade.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet till “Ramaya Rama bhadraya”, once the kids are confident, I want the 2nd graders to lead the assembly.

3. We also did a new sloka, you would have heard the priest chant/sing it in the temple, please practice it at home with the kids.

"Kayena Vacha Mana-Sendriyair Va

Budhyaatmana Va Prakruteh Swabhavath

Karoami Yadyad Sakalam Parasmai

Narayana Yeti Samarpayami

Meaning - Whatever I do with my body, speech, mind or with other senses of my body, or with my intellect and soul or with my innate natural tendencies I offer (dedicate) everything to Lord Vishnu.

3. Kalpana aunty read a story "The boy who cried wolf" and all the students were given a chance to speak about their understanding of the story.

We were really proud of them as they followed the rules by

a) Waiting for their turn

b) Listening when others are speaking

c) Talking their point of view when the chance was given to them

4.We did an activity where students were split into groups and were given thread and beads to make a Japa mala, some of them customized it and turned them into holiday gifts for their siblings and parents by making a necklace, bracelet etc :) It was cute watching them do it.

We will be having a pizza party next week, also myself and Gargi aunty will be away as we are leaving to India for the holidays, so we will be having a combined class and pizza party with the1st grade class. If any parents want to volunteer and give a helping hand to Kalpana aunty, please feel free to do so.

We will see you in the New Year! Happy Holidays!


1. No homework this week.

2. Please remember to bring canned food next Sunday to donate to the Center for Food Action.


Dec 2 2018

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet till “Vasudeva sutham devam”

3. We checked over the workbook homework given to be done during the Thanksgiving break and found only a few students have finished it. Please make sure that the kids dedicate some time to finish their Balavihar homework and also bring it to the class along with the rest of the supplies like notebook, pencil etc. (Some kids did not have notebook,pencil etc)

4. We discussed the character traits of Rama from the Balakanda section of the story and children came up with qualities like Brave, Obedient, Disciplined and Respectful. Please talk to children at home about these qualities and some examples from their school or other classes they attend to understand better.

5. We also discussed a few other scenarios like –

a) What do we learn from Ahalya’s story?

b) What do we learn from Tataka’s story ?

6. We also spoke about “Meditation” and started the Likitha Japa writing Ram in Sanskrit.


1. Write your names in Sanskrit

2. Complete the workbook pages given last week (whoever did not finish).This will be checked in class on Sunday.

3. Write Ram in Sanskrit for 11 times.


No class - Nov 25 2018


Nov 18 2018

Hari Om Parents !

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet till “Vasudeva sutham devam”

3. We checked over the answers written in the Ramayana workbook (was given as homework last week)

4. We played a game of bingo with reference to Ramayana story and characters learned so far and the children enjoyed it.

We are happy that most of the kids had finished their homework from last week.

One kind request to the parents is to reiterate the Ramayana story at home or make the kids read the text book, as the children forget the names of even important characters and it becomes difficult for us to go forward with instruction.


1. Find out and write down 10 other names of Lord Shiva

2. Complete workbook pages 15,16,17, those students who did not finish last week’s homework should do all pages mentioned.


Nov 11 2018

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.

We completed the instruction of daily prayers, the last sloka(given below) and its meaning was explained in class.

Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |

Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |

Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |

Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shri-Mahaadeva Shambho |

2. We also practiced the invocation prayers from the BV packet so that the children can lead in the assembly in the future weeks once they are confident.

3. In Ramayana we continued with the wedding scene of Rama and Sita and also introduced the character of Parashuram, thereby ending the Bala kanda portion of Ramayana.

4. Please ensure that the children bring the composition notebook given to them or a dedicated notebook for BV to write their classwork and homework, along with their binder and pencils to write in the class.

We are happy that most of the kids had finished their homework from last week.

One kind request to the parents is to reiterate the Ramayana story at home or make the kids read the text book, as the children forget the names of even important characters and it becomes difficult for us to go forward with instruction.


1. Find out and write down 10 other names of Lord Shiva

2.Complete workbook pages 11,12,13,14. (these are just simple crossword puzzle, match the following and fill in the blanks)

Since it would a shorter class next week due to the Diwali lunch, we would be checking the answers in the workbook and will also play Ramayana bingo game (please send the crayons that was given in class)


Nov 4 2018

1. We started the class by chanting OM 3 times, proceeding with daily prayers.In daily prayers we did up to prayer “Shubam Karoti kalyanam" and explained the importance of lighting Diya. Our salutations to the light from the Diya to give auspiciousness, good health, prosperity and also to destroy the evil thoughts from our mind.

2. In Ramayana we continued the story of Rama and Lakshmana along with Vishwamithra traveling to Mithila. We explained the story of Bhagiratha and Ganga,how the river Ganga went up on Lord Shiva’s head and also the story of Ahalya.

We completed till the part that Rama snapped the Rudra bow and Sita garlanding Rama.

A simple sloka to remember the pancha kanya was also taught to the kids. This prayer is in the name of 5 loyal & pure wives. This prayer is not in our book.

Ahalya Draupadi Sita Tara Mandodari

Thatha Pancha Kanya Smare nityam

Sarva Paapa Vinashanam

Meaning: As I remember the 5 women of purity daily - Ahalya, Draupadi, Sita, Tara and Mandodari, I ask God to wipe away all my sins/wrongdoings and make me as pure as these women.

3. The meaning of Diwali, its significance and how it is celebrated in different parts of India were discussed. Story behind celebrating Diwali like victory of good of evil Rama killing Ravana and also other story of Krishna killing Narakasura were explained.

4. We have given composition notebooks to all the children present, since we found that most of them did not have a separate notebook for Balavihar. Please ask your children to bring this every Sunday and to keep this only for Balavihar classwork and homework.

Please make sure your child brings the binder, a notebook and pencils to write in the class.


1. Find out the roots of your family (from which place is your family from in India)

2. Write how you celebrated Diwali with your family.

3. Practice daily prayers.

4. Read the Ramayana book so we can remember the characters


Oct 28 2018

1..We started the class by chanting OM 3 times,proceeding with daily prayers.In daily prayers we did up to prayer before taking food "Brahmarpanam" and explained why we should say it before eating food. All children should have a copy of the my prayers book.

2. We started with invocation prayers and did up to " Samasta jana kalyane" with meaning.

3. In Ramayana we talked about how Rama and Lakshmana reached Vishwamithra's ashram and were very vigilant in bringing an end to the demons Mareecha and Subahu. We ended the lesson with the birth of mata Sita . Please go over with your child as we do a quiz every class.

4. We also talked about the characters from Lord Vishnu's avatars Prahalad (Narasimha avatar)and King Mahabali (Vamana avatar)

Every one should have the Ramayana text and work book purchased.Books (Ramayana workbook) purchased but not received will be sent home with your child in the coming weeks.

4.We also spoke about Agni (fire god) ,why it is considered a scared thing for the Hindus.

Please make sure your child brings the binder,a notebook and pencils to write in the class.


1. Find out the minor gods (eg-varuna,vayu etc)

2. What does 1 Yojana means ? (Demon Mareecha was thrown yojanas away into the ocean by Lord Rama)

3. Practice the daily prayers

4. Read Ramayana story book Pages 1- 10.


Oct 14 2018

1.We started the class by chanting OM 3 times,proceeding with daily prayers.

2.Meaning of 2 slokas "Karagare vasate lakshmi" and "Samundra vasane devi" were explained in class.

3. Kira shared a beautiful thought "It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice".Discussed what the thought meant and also the character traits for "being nice"

4. We continued the story of Ramayana until the part where Sage Vishwamithra takes Rama and Lakshmana to the forest for help with his yagna.

5.We also discussed about Navarathri,the story of Mahisasura mardini and how it is celebrated in different parts of India.Also taught the 1st verse of Mahisasura mardini strotram - Aigiri Nandini from the "My prayers" book.

6. End of the class,we combined with Achyuta class next door and chanted the 41st verse of Bhagavad gita Chapter 18 (there will a Gita chanting competition in April for Balavihar NJ,please practice at home with your kids,if they are interested to participate.

If you have not purchased the books yet,My Prayer Book and Ramayana Text Book and Workbook will be available for purchase next week.


1. Practice Daily prayers

2. Thought for the day - Aarav

3. Check Mata Saraswathi idol in the temple upstairs and see what she holds in her kara (hand in sanskrit)


No class sep 30 and oct 7


Sep 25 2018

We started the class chanting Om three times. Then we started working on Daily Prayers. We also discussed and reviewed the Gods that we went to see last Sunday upstairs in the temple. Children were very excited to remember what they saw and some also remembered which God had what in their hands. Then we read the first chapter in the story of Ramayana about Balakanda. It was about the the birth of the four Princes of Ayodhya. How they were born and who were their mothers. It is very fascinating to see how the children participate and are able to interact in the class. When we were talking about the prayer that King Dashratha performed so God could bless him with sons, one of the child was able to share how he and his parents prayed to God so he could have a baby sister and that God listened to his prayers.

Lastly we went to Radhika Aunty's class for the closing prayers.

We are trying to incoporate among the children to bring one thought for the day for the class. It can be small sentence along with a little understanding of what it means.

Homework for next class is to bring one thought for the day.


Sep 16 2018

Hari Om Parents!

Welcome to the Madhava class of 2018-2019! Myself Radha aunty and Gargi aunty will be the sevaks teaching Madhava class (2nd grade kids) this year.

Agenda is as follows-

1) Opening Prayers - these can be found in the My prayers book


3)Thought for the day- does not have to be a story,but it can be one with a moral,or it can be a famous person's quote

4)Lesson -Ramayana

5)Bhajan/Bhagavad Gita

6)Closing prayers

All children should bring a 1-inch binder with the picture of their favorite God; the Balavihar handbook packet which will be distributed in october (these papers go in their binder, along with any other papers handed out in class).

Each student needs one notebook (separate for Balavihar and language, please), My prayers book, a pencil and eraser. A bag would be really useful to keep all of these together. Please make sure all their books have their names labelled.

Here is the summary of the what was taught in last (Sep 16) class.

We combined the 1st and 2nd grade kids since there were real estate problems,hopefully that will be resolved next week and we get our own classroom.

• Started the class by chanting OM 3 times and the daily prayer

• Started the story of Ramayana,who wrote it and the story of robber Ratnagar changing into Sage Valmiki

• We took the kids upstairs to the temple for them to look at the Gods and Goddesses, their different forms and the things they hold in their hands,their vahanas etc

• We also sang a bhajan on Lord Rama (Aatma Rama)

. We had an icebreaker session where the kids were teamed up and they came up front to say about their partner.


1. Coloring page of Lord Ganesha

2. Talk to kids about different gods they saw in the temple upstairs,we asked them to remember the dieties.

Please email or contact us if you have any questions.


Madhava class teachers.