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Hari OM!

Mukunda class 2021-2022

Hariom Mukunda class and parents

Welcome to 2021-2022 session of our Balavihar Mukunda class 9-12. Special welcome to our 9th graders. We are still virtual and had some challanges last two classes.

First class on the 9/19 , we had a nice discussion about Ganesha Visarjan from BMI perspective.

Will share the video we watched

9/26 after invocation prayers we reviewed Drop book till chapter 25

Our plan is to complete Drop book in the next two classes and then start to learn and understand Bhagavath Geeta more systematically..

In the registration roster we do not have phone nos of all students and parents. We have a what's app group, (parents and students), to share posts and lesson plans. So please text us your phone nos, so we can update the group.

Looking forward to a beautiful year of learning and reflection


Kalpana aunty and Radhika aunty

Will continue to post class updates on Mahwah Balavihar website.

Mukunda class 2020-2021

We had a great year 2020-2021. Inspite of the challenges of on line classes , we learnt a lot as summarised by Saumya and Adityan on annual day and Father's day celebration. Yes the significance of various festivals and many lessons learned from the book "DROP a Novel". Through the travels of Andy, Yatri and others we saw the various pilgrimage places from Ganga Sagar to Haridwar. Although unable to complete the whole book, we got to the point where Andy(Anand) returns to US after he let go of his friend Ninja's (Niranjan's) bodily remains. We were, not able to discuss a few verses from Bhagavath Geeta with reference to Chapter 25, but will do so in September when we meet. We also did the meanings (literal and implied symbolism) of all invocation prayers and few daily prayers. We talked about Rishis/devtas associated with them.

We were all very excited and enjoyed the Vision board done, with Vara aunty.

Over the summer break

1 Try do the exercises in the book "Drop its Easy"

2 Read the rest of the chapters in the Novel

3 Make and modify your "Vision Board". As Vara aunty said it can change from day to day, week to week, month to month. Sharing the power point from her.

4 Recap of the year



First two Sundays Vision board with Vara Aunty. 3rd sunday Annual day


After invocation prayers done by Rithiga, we did the meaning of ‘ Gange cha yamune cha eva”. We talked about the seven sacred rivers. All rivers are sacred and these seven are mentioned because of events that happened on their banks, on banks of Narmada river Adi Shankara was taught by his Guru Govinda Bhagavad pada and the Advaita philosophy which in Chinmaya mission we follow.

We read through chapters 24 and 25 in Drop and discussed Chapter 24

Lessons learned

1 When we do what we love to do, we are joyful.

2 We don’t have to chase joy it comes to us

3 Rama was calm in all adversity as he had no conflict about Dharma.

4 How do we know what is right. from parents, Gurus(teachers), Scriptures.

5 Make decision for larger good as Sri Rama did. is Dharma, Integrates Individual, family and community

6 Drop confusion and make the right decision

Chapter 25, they reach Haridwar, and Andy had to let go of Ninja his friend whose ashes he poured into Mother Ganga as a ritual. We will discuss this more in detail the significance, and the journey of Ninja onward. We will go through, Bhagavat Geeta chapter 2 verses 22,23, 24 in this context.

Next class is Vision board with Vara aunty. come prepared


Lessons 22 and 23 from Drop covered. Our travelers are in Chitrakut. Travelling our group covered Ram Ghat 9 where Sri Rama performed the last rites for Dasharatha, and Bharat Milap Mandir where there was a play being performed based on Ramayana. Dilip who had brought his grandparents gave them guidance about the place. Nitya discovered her passion as she helped make the costume for the play.

The play “Kaschit Gita’ conversation in which Sri Rama gives, brother Bharata importance guidance on management and young man Amit and his uncle share the importance of responsibility and duty. Amit was upset as his business was not going well and after the play, he succeeded in what he was doing.

Lessons learned

1 Drop Failure Be a winner

2 Wise learn from failure and otherwise are lost

3 Management and leader qualities

4 While pursuing your “Goal in life“ don’t forget the “Goal of life”

5 When conflict arises take a bird’s eye view and not be led by attachment.

Many more lessons learnt from the play to read and reflect.


Celebrated Gurudev Jayanti and Mother’s Day with Prayers and Bhajan


Class was a revision of Drop A Novel up to chapter 21

Class 4/18/21

Meghana did the invocation and closing prayers

The meaning of daily prayer “Samudra vasane devi” was discussed

Literal meaning “We ask Devi (Goddess), who is adorned by the ocean and mountain, meaning mother earth, who is also the Lakshmi, wife of Vishnu, for forgiveness by touching her feet” as we step on her. Vishnu (Purusha) as SELF in us along with Prakriti (Mother Earth) our very nature, (our waking period) creates and maintains us through and dissolves (in our sleep). In our culture as told in last class everything is divine. Mother earth gives us all we need, food, work etc. and helps in our development physical and spiritual. Hence, we bow to her and thank her.

We talked about new year in various parts of India as, unity in diversity with various celebrations. We discussed the Indian and Western calendar systems. The four Yugas and Brahmaji’s life span as well as the Lunar and Solar calendar systems. The Gregorian calendar which we all follow is a revision of Julian calendar started by Julius Caesar of Rome. There are many other calendar systems.


• Yugas Now is Kali Yuga 5123. Started after the Mahabharata war

• Satya yuga, Treta yuga and Dwapara before this Chatur(four) Yuga

• Time cycle or Kaala Chakra. The yugas repeat. Starts the day Brahmaji created when all planets were aligned, 1000 Chatur yugas make a day of Brahmaji. Four yugas calculated as 4.32 billion and night same. So, a full day for Brahmaji 8.6 billion years. This is one cycle. Total age of the universe is 100 years of Brahmaji (100 X 360X 8.6 billion) At the end of this is dissolution and then creation starts again. Have fun and reflect on this

• The calendar is ancient and follow the sun (Solar) or Moon (Lunar) cycles. Hence New Year, different by few days in different states March/April


• What we follow all over is Gregorian

• Introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as modification of Julian Calendar adopted by Great Britain and American colonies in 1752

• Julian Calendar by Julius Caesar 46 BC

• Before that Roman calendar

• All also based on Lunar and Solar cycles

Drop Book and our travels with Andy, Pragnya, Nitya, Swaroop and Yatri

Chapter 20 Narrated by Rithiga

Lessons learned

1 Drop negativity

2 Build positivity with conviction

3 Belief systems and faith as indicated by bathing in river Ganga. Idea of purification is to drop negative thoughts. Blind faith can cause fanatiscm. Faith and belief should be powered by knowledge.

Chapter 4 verse 39 of Bhagavat Geeta talks about this

śhraddhāvān labhate jñānaṁ tat-paraḥ sanyatendriyaḥ

jñānaṁ labdhvā parāṁ śhāntim achireṇādhigachchhati

Those whose faith is deep and who have practiced controlling their mind and senses attain divine knowledge. Through such transcendental knowledge, they quickly attain everlasting supreme peace.

4 At the end Drop the thought that “you are dropping the thought” and that is meditation.

Chapter 21 Narrated by Gobind

Lessons learned

1 Managing Anger was the main topic. Anger happens when there is an obstacle in fulfilling your desire . Everyone shared their idea of how to manage anger.

Walk away, go to a place and yell??, reflect is it the person or the isuue??

In all situation it should be a response (well thought out) rather than a quick reaction.

2 The ladder of fall we talked about previously with verses 62/63 of Chapter 2 of Bhagavath Geeta.

dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate

sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho 'bhijayate

While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment desire develops, and from desire anger arises.

krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrti-vibhramah

smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati

From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.

In both chapters we learnt about Sublimation of our thoughts and behavior rather than Suppression, to live intelligently

Next week we discuss the workbook DROP


Class started with invocation prayers led by Saumya. We started reflecting on meaning of daily prayers and “Karagre Vasate Lakshmi” as prayer when you wake up or early morning was talked about. Literal meaning as, we should look at our hands early morning where Goddess Lakshmi stays at the forefront and Sarasvati in the middle and Lord Govinda at the root. What does all this mean and why do we pray this way. As per our teachings we pray before any activity. Human birth is made possible after many births and the purpose is to realize the Divine SELF in us. Mother Lakshmi means wealth, material, spiritual, and good qualities. Mother Sarasvati is knowledge, both spiritual, material. Govinda is, our very existence, life principle which drives us to live. Our hand represents our organ of action. We talked about our five organs of action, karmaendriyas, and five organs of perception jnanaendriyas. All our actions, should be directed by Govinda (the cowherd, cows representing our senses), with knowledge and wealth, both spiritual and material. Hand here symbolizes all our organs of action. This is a prayer, that all our actions be for good and righteous purpose driven by our divine SELF

Lessons learned from DROP BOOK

Chapter 18 narrated by Adityan

1 Horoscope/astrology as science and in the wrong hands can fool people as experienced by Nitya.

2 We discussed destiny, fate and free will with refence to this. We are born in this world to fulfill/exhaust, our Vasanas from past and astrologers sometimes can guide us. But more important to discover this OURSELVES.

3 William Hemsley’s quote in the book is very apt.” I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul”. Gurudev said “What we meet in life is destiny, how we meet is free will”. Also, we learnt to plan out your work, and then work out your plans.

Chapter 19 narrated by Tiya

1 Triveni Sangam as described by Gurudev to the boat man. Ganga as Bhakti, Yamuna and Karma and Sarasvati as Jnana. These are the three paths talked about by Krishna in Bhagavat Geeta

2 The Boatman said wherever a Mahatma, a realized person, walks and lives is a place of pilgrimage

3 Through the life of the boatman we leaned and talked about” Swadharma” and how do we know what it is. Influence of family, friends and situation in choosing what we do.

4 Bhagavat Geeta Chapter 3 on Karma Yoga talks about Swadharma in verse 35. Better to do one’s own duties rather than someone else’s (Paradharma)

5 If you choose, your work according to your nature, you enjoy what you do and bring joy to others also. Importance of having faith in yourself, and your choice is important.

Next class Chapters 20 and 21 to be narrated by Gobind and Rithiga. Everyone should read to have a good discussion


Thank you Gobind for leading the invocation and closing prayers. We did the meaning of “Om Poornamadam” the last of our closing prayers. This is from the Ishavasya Upanishad, although comes in many others and chanted all the time in our rituals. The word Poornam indicates completeness. Limitless, infinitude, WHOLE, Boundless, are its many other meanings. The literal meaning of the shloka given in the, my prayers book is “That is complete, This is complete, From the complete only the complete comes. If you take away complete from the complete, still the complete remains. We looked at the BMI Chart and from OM(Brahman) we all come out as BMI /PFT and experience the OET and interact in the world forgetting we are complete. This verse makes us reflect on our completeness/innitude

t Like the waves, and ocean, being water.Pot, pots space, part of the total space

Review of Chapter 16 from DROP.

1 Drop Superficiality

2 Focus on Goal, then act with righteousness

3 Path of good “Shreyas” and path of Pleasant “Preyas’. You choose

Chapter 17.

Shankar gave a very nice summary of the chapter focusing on marriage. To be considered in any marriage “arranged” as was tradition in India and in “Love marriage” Discussion in conversation between Nitya, Andy and Yatri

1 Right and Duty

2 LOVE common in both.

3 Love should not be “because of“ but “in spite of” Sneha and Prema from Gurudev’s book “I love letters” for children

4 Don’t fall in Love but Rise in love

5 “Giving love is freedom, demanding love is slavery” Gurudev

Arranged marriage tradition has been followed for thousands of years and has worked. Our parents know us best and has our happiness as priority. Hence the partner they choose for us, is based on values (individual and family) If we choose on our own, should also be based on this. A marriage brings not just two individuals together, but also family, community and so on. It should be for good of everyone. Should bring out the selflessness in us not selfishness.

Is arranged marriage “old fashioned”? We talked about our scriptures talking about, in Manu smriti of eight different types of marriages. One.of them being “Gandharva vivah” where the bride and groom choose. Like Sri Krishna and Rukmini, Arjuna and Subhadra, Dushyanta and Shakuntala in our puranas. Thanks, Shankar, for this. Akshaya thanks for sharing her discussion with her father.

In any marriage, you evolve transcending from body, to mind, intellect and beyond, till you become one. The relationship of Radha and Krishna, Shiva and Parvathi.

The second topic in the chapter was about “Sakshi Bhava” Witness attitude. This was shown by Yatri to Nitya in taking the photo of the flying bird. This is how we should look at the mind in meditation. Thoughts will come but have to let in go and be a witness. Finally, all thoughts will go, and we will have a quiet mind to go deeper to SELF. The two-bird analogy in Mundakopanishad

See you all on April 11th. Adityan and TIya will narrate chapters 18 and 19 from DROP book. Anvi will do the prayers. Everyone read the chapters to discuss and also do the lessons in DROP “It’s easy “

Class 3/21/21

Thanking Amrita for chanting the invocation prayers. We did the meaning of “Kalyana Mantras “of the closing prayers. “Sarveshan Swastir………….. Amritam gamaya”. Swasti, we had discussed before as well being at all levels BMI. Word Shanti, Peace, again at levels of phenomenal forces, like weather, earthquakes etc., (Adidaivik)worldly and manmade like war etc. (Adibhautik) and last but not the least and perhaps most important at our own individual level (Adhyatmic). Mangalam is auspiciousness again in all levels. May everyone be happy, without disease, and please protect us. From untruth to truth, from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge from mortality to Immortality. Again, all these are from many aspects indicated by pour rishis and mantras revealed to them in the seat of meditation. Try recollecting the various aspects of our personality and life indicated in these prayer. Remember the “ME TIME”

Chapter 15 of DROP answered and made us contemplate on

1 Are you REAL.

2 Form to the Formless

3 Friend and companion

4 Drop Jealousy

Akshaya Narrated Chapter 16 as our travelers reaching Allahabad (Prayag). Talked about meeting of Mother Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati (Called Sangamam) and how the place is blessed and Holy for us.

Lessons learned

1 Reporting the truth and we talked about the media and their focus today. Not just for reporters any profession is driven by the satisfaction of the consumers. So, for the Truth the media as well us as listeners have to change. Donkey incident and the reporter.

2 Story of Chandrashekhar Azad Statue in Alfred park revealed how heroes are forgotten. We talked about the movie “Rangde Basanti”. If we want to make a change, we have to take the path of Good (Shreyas) vs path of pleasant (Preyas) In the movie the young people fought against corruption, taking the example of Chandrasekhar Azad in the freedom movement. Preyas is easy but the result may not be for the right cause and Shreyas may be difficult but for a good cause

Yatri said “Focus on the Goal, Anchored in truth and act”. For

effort is needed.

3 DROP “Super Fish iality “Like the fish if we dig/look deep we survive and make changes

We will do Chapter 17 next week and Shankar will narrate. Talk with your parents the topic of “marriage” in the lesson and come prepared to discuss.

We watched two short movie clips indicating how desire and greed can lead to our downfall Read and contemplate on these two shlokas from Bhagavath Geeta Chapter 2 Vs 62 and 63 ( Ladder of fall ) See what's app

Class 3/14/21

Akshaya, thank you for leading the invocation prayers. We talked about the festival of Shivaratri and many reasons for the celebrations. It is the day Shiva manifested in form of Shivalinga. Also celebrated as wedding day of Shiva and Parvathi. We talked about symbolism of snake, Lord Shiva wears around his neck, being our mind and ego and how if under our control, they can be an ornament. Shivalinga representing the form of infinite and the story of Brahma and Vishnu trying to find the top and bottom of it was narrated. The infinite can never be reached by the finite. Also recollect the story of Sage Agastya and Kartikeya.We looked at Shiva as the greatest meditator. We talked about Gurudev and the story of him as a child, playing hide and seek with Shiva during pooja at his home. In meditation we have to do this initially. You look at the form and then close your eyes and see the form through your mind and when it disappears due to other thoughts open your eyes look at the form and then again close your eyes. From the form we have to eventually move to formless infinite self.

Lesson 13 in Drop we revised, Drop complaining and Vision and Action relationship.

Lesson 14 and 15 were nicely narrated to the class by Meghana and Saumya. Thank you both

Take home points

Am I Real? This question answerd in the conversation between Swaroop and the elderly man Keshav at the ghat on river Ganga . Immersing the idols/deity, signifies moving from form to formless.

Keshav talks about movie and how we react to what happens as real. In fact, it is only a movie. In Vedanta we talk about rope being mistaken as snake. Similarly, if we enquire deep, we are beyond the body, mind and intellect. We are not the form, or our emotions. This is enquiry into your real nature. Shakespeare said “World is a stage; all men and women are players.” Drop the form

Who is a friend and who is companion? Friend is all the time with you. Companion only a traveler with you. This was brought out in conversation between Andy and the truck driver Gobinda (Paji)

Who is your best friend? “YOU. You are the one with you all the time. Chapter 6 Vs 5 in Geeta

uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānam avasādayet ātmaiva hyātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmanaḥ

One should save oneself by oneself; one should not lower oneself. For oneself is verily one's own friend; oneself is verily one's own enemy.

Compete with yourself rather than others, to evolve. A friend helps you evolve and be happy. The sheep story told by Gobinda brought out this point.

Rights and duties. “Usuul” word used by Gobinda when asked by Andy, how he allowed them to go in his truck. Lending a helping hand is a duty. If everyone did their duty, then no question of rights. A problem shared is problem halved.

We chanted "Om Namah Shivaya " 11 times as we had just celebrated Shivaratri. Thank you Aditya for showing to count for Japa with fingers and hands.

Class 2/28 21

Thanking Aditya for leading the prayers. We did the meaning of “Sham no Mitra”

This an invocation prayer similar to Sahanavavtu before beginning any activity, learning, asking the devatas to bless the teacher, taught, to gain knowledge and realize the truth. Literal meaning is, “may Mitra, lord of prana, Varuna, lord of apana (both vital air), Aryama, lord sun (brightening our eyes), Indra the lord of strength, Brihaspati, the guru of all devas, Vishnu, Brahma and Vayu, all pervading deities bless us with wellbeing. You are manifestation of supreme truth brahman. I proclaim this as truth. May this protect and guide the teacher and me the student. Om peace peace peace.” This comes in Taitriya Upanishad and we narrated the story of Yagnavakya and sparrows as teacher and students (recollect it) Our scriptures divinize every aspect of our Body mind and intellect and there are presiding deities for each. So, they are all invoked here, so we gain the total knowledge and truth. We spoke of five elements we are made of. Thank you Gobind for enumerating them (Earth, Wind, water, space and fire). Word Sham means wellbeing and here we invoke the cosmic forces as well as our own being.

We did the lesson from the book Drop its easy on chapters 11 and 12. Finding our space for reflection and getting rid of internal and external distractions to focus. Reflection on our SELF. Drop overindulgence and live-in moderation. Swaraj mentioned cell phone being a distraction and we discussed various ways to avoid it from being so.

We did chapter 13 and continued our journey with our friends through Varanasi.

Bilva leaf and its significance in worship. Three parts representing Brahma Vishnu Maheswara or our three gunas. The group meeting a young boy serving them at the restaurant and talking of child labor without enquiring the reason “the cause”. Assuming the boy was not in school and playing hukki? Yatri went and met the owner Gopal and his son Hari and came to know that Hari had no school that day and he was helping his father. Would you assume the same if you saw a young boy working in America?

Lessons learned Drop Assumptions and Stop Complaining.

We discussed not to assume without knowing the cause.

For any Solution, need to know the Cause and then Be the solution. Be the change you want to see in the world Mahatma Gandhi.

Reflect on Vision and Action page from the book DROP A NOVEL and we will continue in next class

Meghana and Saumya volunteered to read chapter 14/15 for next clas

2/21/21 was revision

Class 2/7/21

We started with invocation prayers and thank you Rajan for leading

The meaning of prayer “Swasthi Prajbhyam Paripalyantam” was discussed. This is Kalyana mantra chanted for the good of all. Swasthi has many meaning like good health, wellbeing and prosperity etc. Literal meaning is “May Swasthi come to all kings and leaders (who protect their subjects), so they rule the land in righteous ways. May the learned and good people, cows live auspiciously and well and may all people be happy. May the rains be on time to give good harvest and people live without any fear. This is for the whole society. The cow representing Dharma and food. We talked about a society as a human body where the hands and feet, representing the subjects, feed the mouth and the body representing the leaders. The leaders use the material produced by society, invest (digest0 and nourish the people back (hands and feet) the cycle is very harmonious with everyone working for each other. This was told to Bharata by Sri Rama when he went back with padukas to rule Ayodhya.

We wished three birthday people with Janmadinam song. Aditya, Shankar and Soumya. Thank you Tiya for leading

Drop book brought out some significant life lessons along with verses from Bhagavath Geeta chanted by Meghana and Aditya.

Chapter 10 Taught us to “Bounce back “. Also, to be a thinker. We talked about how in India knowledge was Para (Material) and Apara spiritual in the gurukula system. Holistic knowledge

Chapter 11 talked about significance of temples, pooja room etc. temples are disco for the mind and pooja room is a special place for us to be alone, to reflect on our SELVES. Discover your SELF in meditation after purifying your mind through pooja Japa etc.

Chapter 12 with the Jilebi story we talked about the ladder of fall, Verses 62 and 63 chapter 2 of Geeta. Reflect on all these for the next class

Class 1/24/21

We started with invocation prayers. Thank you Amrita fro leading them

We discussed the meaning of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (Om Tryambakum Yajamahe...). The word for word translation of the mantra is “I worship that fragrant Shiva of three eyes, the one who nourishes all living entities. May he help us sever our bondage with samsara by making us realize that we are never separated from our immortal nature”. From the day we are born, whatever we do is fundamentally a derivative of fear. Fear may be divided into 3 core categories – Fear of death, fear of losing things/ people dear to us, and fear of failure of any form. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, by definition, protects us from our deepest fear – Fear of death.

Hope all of you had fun recapping our journey through chapter 10 of DROP.

The video regarding the thoughtfulness of the girl in the courtroom was discussed and again was a great discussion on pessimism and optimism in this regard.

On that note, we also talked about the inauguration and how President Biden’s speech made us feel as a part of the country. We talked about the main idea of his speech and the themes such as “Unity”. President Biden said “ We will lead, not by the example of power but by the Power of the Example

Also Amanda Gormen poem “ Light with never ending shade” Last lines

“ There is always light.

Brave to see IT

Brave to BE IT”.

We talked about the light being within us or our SELF, which is what Bhagavath Geeta and Vedanta teaching is all about.

We will continue your learning through DROP and Bhagavath Geeta in the next class on Feb 7th to try to see the connection.

Summarized by Tiya. Thank you Tiya

Class 1/17/21

We started with opening prayers lead by Shankar and Adityan. Thank you both

The meaning of “Bhudir Balam” shloka was shared and all the qualities with the events in Ramayana and Mahabharata where these were shown was reflected on. Some of you helped in this. Intelligence, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, freedom for illness, humility, clarity in speech, are the qualities we get by remembering and reflecting on Hanuman.

We continued our journey to Varanasi from Chapter 10 in the book Drop. Two quotes to remember. “Education is not filling the bucket. It is lighting a fire” WB Yeats (Irish poet). Gurudev Swami Chinmayanada said “Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit”. Both have similar meaning, and, in the chapter, we talked about why this is so.

The lesson we learnt From Krish the guitar player.

1 Bhagavat Geeta is for all and is science of life

2 Tuning the mind as important as tuning the guitar to give a beautiful music in life

3 Yatri enjoyed being SILENT

4 BOUNCE BACK as Krish did. Geeta chapter 6 vs 26

5 When composing music or writing or any activity (Thru Krish and Pragnya) BE IN THE MOMENT

6 Mind can be your friend or enemy Geeta Chapter 6 vs 5

7 Geeta gives you SUDARSHANA (Krish’s Friend) Right vision

Reflect on the above and be prepared to discuss as we continue the journey


Happy new year to all

We started class with invocation prayers done by Rithiga. Thank you Rithiga

The meaning of “Ramaya Rambhadraya “prayer was discussed from Bhakti point with names of Sree Rama being chanted. Many names of Sree Rama just like we do 1000/100 names for various deities, Vishnu, Devi and so on. This leads to a quiet mind to contemplate further. Surrender to Rama (Namah) and this will happen. From Adviata point of view as we follow Adi Shankara teachings. Rama represent the Self (light within) and Sita our minds. When mind distracted with desire of deer, Ravana as Ego and extrovertedness, steels it and leads to further problems. United by Hanuman representing our devotion, life principle as Prana and awareness as Lakshmana, the Self and mind are united and there is Bliss.

Drop book. We reviewed chapter 6-9

Chapter 6 Gunas, we all have Satva, Rajas and Tamas (colors white red and black, the activity we did before and know where we stand) in various proportions. With Kalpana auntie’s question “How many of us are all white or black?” we realized none of us and we are a combination. We talked about caste system and how every society has the same (not called as such). The thinkers, the executers, the distributers and workers. Our body in Purushusooktam in the Vedas(Rig) represent this aspect of society. Brain as Brahmana, arms as Kshatriya, Digestion/circulation etc. as Vaishya and legs as Sudra and every bit needed for us as human and as society.

Is Caste based on birth? No was the answer. Based on Gunas and Karma(work). We also talked about how we may be born in a particular family based on our Vasanas (tendencies/inclinations) but not always. Ravana (Rajasik). Kumbhakarna (tamasic) and Vibhishana (Satvik) are all from same family.

Chapter 7 talked about keeping good company and dropping drainers. We can try to correct our friends if we think they are wrong but if not able have to have the courage to break the friendship like how Swaroop and Nitya did.

Chapter 8 talks about the Sanatana Dharma as all encompassing. All streams lead to the ocean. All waves are part of ocean and the two are H2O (water).

We discussed various paths of Karma. Bhakti and Jnana in Sanatana dharma. We have library of books based on Shruti (revelations to the Rishis in their seat of mediation) and Smriti (through their memory) taught it to their students. We remembered Veda Vyasa as he codified these teachings as the Vedas and Upanishads.

Chapter 9 We accept all religions and conversions among religions was discussed. We have to have clarity and conviction in our path. Our culture and religion do not advocate conversion. We believe there is Divinity in all and hence we do Namaste and respect all.

Please read and reflect on all these chapters as we continue our journey.

Read Chapter 10 and 11 before class, so we can discuss and want all of you to participate. Watch the video on Bhagavath Geeta, sent on What’s app.


We started with invocation prayers (Thank you Swaraj for leading). We had Shreya( our recent gradiuate) join us as guest and member of CHYK Boston where she goes to college. Thank you Shreya. Was a pleasure having you.

Meaning of "Vasudeva Sutam Devam" was discussed. The word meaning and implied symbolic meaning of Krishna as Jagat Guru (Guru of the world/universe). We recapped the other previous two verses in invocation dedicated to Guru. The Geeta Dhyana shloka " Sarvo upanidshado gavo " the milk giving cow of all Upanishads is Geeta was remembered.

Hope all of you had fun recapping our journey through DROP. Who the main character was shared by all , Pragnya, Yatri , Andy and our own SELF??? Reflect on this during the holidays as you read the book. Everyone had great insights into, all other questions. .Please see below the questions and try answering as you reflect. Will try set up a more fun format to reflect next time. A bit of a challenge as we are still virtual.

The quote regarding the emptiness of the CUP being positive was discussed and again was a great discusson on pessimism and optimism with this regard. Attaching the two photos for dinning table discussion during the holidays in addition to Santa and New year resolutions

We will continue our learning through DROP and Bhagavath Geeta in next class on Jan 10th try see the connection.

Happy Holidays and we will continue our Quest in 2021.

Please volunteer to lead the prayers as this ia part of learning. Every prayer if you reflect is a part of our inward journey.

12/6 and 12/13 2020

On 12/6 after opening prayers (thank you Omkar for leading), Kalpana aunty and you all continued your journey with Pragnya, Andy and Yatri.

As they were on their way to Bellur Matt, they watched people on the railway platform and discussed the three gunas. Their encounter with the chaywala . their assumptions and Yatri's take is very interesting.

The reflection from "Drop Its easy" book on the gunas and about yourself is a good one to do.


We started with invocation prayers (thank you Trisha for leading) and went through the meaning of "Bhavani Shankarau Vande". We bow(offer our salutations) to The divine parents Bhavani (Parvati) and Shankara(Shiva) who embody Shraddha(devotion, dedication , faith) and Viswas( Belief/Trust) without which we will not be able to see (experience) the Eshwara(Divinity SELF) within us. We need faith and belief in our selves, Scriptures , Guru in order to Realize our true nature. Faith is the belief in what we do not know, so that we may come to know what we believe in. Devotion with knowledge. We also talked about Shiva/Shakti, Ardhanareeshwara , Purusha nd Prakriti symbolozed. With reflection on this verse we go from a "form to the formless SELF". Literal meaning and implied meaning of the prayer is given.

Hope you all understood and try to reflect with the BMI chart in your mind. Can ask questions and this is how we all learn.

We did the exercise from the book "Drop it's easy" about the Guna's. Now that you all know where you stand with your gunas you need to evolve from Tamas to Rajas to Satwa . Kalpana aunty and Radhika aunty shared our thoughts and our evolution from a teenager to now. Hope we gave you an honest opinion. Some of you shared your thoughts too. Thank you to those who shared. The first step is to reflect and recognize our negativities in order to progress.

Next Sunday is our Bhgavath Geeta learning day. We will have a short class on this and then play game of Kahoot,(Amrita thank you for helping to set up) as a good end to 2020. This will help to know what we learnt for past 4 mos. We will send questions to youAmrita by mid week. Kalpana aunty will help and anyone else if can do so.

Looking forward. Swaraj will be leading the Prayers next week.


We started with invocation prayers and thank you, Gobind for leading us.

We discussed the meaning of "Samste Jana Kalyane" and talked about Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda and how out of his love and compassion came and spread the message of Bhagavath Geeta and Upanishads to common people. We also talked about Swami Shivananda and Swami Tapovanam as his Gurus.

Thank you Akshaya for telling us about eight forms of Mahalakshmi. We need her for all the material gains we want or need in life.

We continued with our study of Bhagavath Geeta being the third week of class. Our plan is to do this every month

Sharing couple of slides to study and understand which will tell you the main message of Vedanta . The two bird analogy we shared, is a bit hard to understand. Try and do it and we can talk more.

We talked about Arjuna situation and its application in our lives. And Bhagavan Krishna's reply in terms of what his duty is and how his grief is not justified. Sharing another slide about this.

Also sharing and video about Bhagavath Geeta shared with me by Ramesh and Ram uncle from last year

We could not discuss much about our DROP book friends Andy, Pragnya and Yatri, however we talked about how we have to move out of our comfort zone to progress. Saumya shared with us her reading of the chapter 5.

We will continue our travels with them.

Looking at the book "Drop its easy", it is about our individual reflection. If you feel up to sharing what you did do so. If not we understand as can be personal.

Sending the picture shared on Whats app of the tree coming through the rocks . Come prepared to share what you all thought of it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and we are grateful in this pandemic, with needing to be, physically distanced, are able to connect because of technology.

!1/8/20 and 11/15/2020

On 11 /8 you all went through the DROP The Novel, lessons on Pessimism, LABELS up to Chapter 3 . Kalpana aunty had asked you all to look through the lessons from DROP Its Easy (second book ). No pressure (we got the lessons from two of you) others please try do them.

11/15 Thank you Akshaya for leading the prayers. We did the ,meaning of "Sadashiva Samarabham " and talked about the importance of the lineage of Guru(Teacher) and Sishya (student) . Shiva to Shankaracharya , Krishana to Vedavyasa and so on to our Guiru (Swami Chinmayananda )

Next week prayers to be lead by Gobind.

We talked about the 5 days of Deepavali celebrations and significance of each day. As home work try to reflect on the 8 forms of Mahalakshmi. We also talked about the importance of festivals/celebrations, in all cultures

Every one enjoyed and is enjoying the journey of Pragnya, Ananad,Yatri and many others as we

DROP(ed) Assumptions, Pessimism ,LABELS, Regrets so far . We have more negative emotions to DROP and gain positive ones. We will enjoy the ride. So proud of all of you as you shared your reflections on Whats app. Keep reading and reflecting.

Next week we will do a bit of Geeta for Yuva. 10th and 11th graders please share what you learnt last year.. We will continue with DROP book if time permits.

By now you must have noted, we are trying to do DROP with discussions first two classes and Bhagavath Geeta the last class of the month


Thank you Shankar for leading the opening prayers and closing prayers. Thank you Gobind and Omakar for volunteering for next two weeks

Meghana gave a beautiful word for word meaning Shloka "Saraswati Namastubyam" which was so appropriate for Vijayadashami and Vidhyarabham (beginning of studies of all kinds) . We talked about Dasha hara (Dussera) as burning of our 10 extrovertedness as Ravana .

Had short introduction to Geeta with some facts. Will share the PPT we covered. We did the one sentence Geeta up to Chapter 5. Try to recollect what we talked about and how we can relate to Arjuna.

Talked a bit about Pessimism from the book DROP and will do more next week.

Thank you all for participating in the various discussion on Mahabharata, and the premise of Bhagavath Geeta.

As homework recall the part about how Krishna became Arjuna's Charioteer.

Also keep up with your reading of book DROP and the lesson from second book as we do ABCD of Pessimism next week


Thank you Meghana for leading the prayers. The meaning of "Vakratunda Mahakaya" was shared by Akshaya. We worship Ganesha the effulgent one like thousands/crores of Sun, before we start any undertaking, (prayers, rituals or any work) to help us and take care of any obstacles that might come our way.Thank you Akshaya.

We all shared our take from the video we watched of the commencement address by CEO of Toyota. Hope you all had a nice time reflecting and learning. Here are a few interesting thoughts.

1 Never stop learning . The CEO learnt to be a race car driver at 52

2 Finding YOURSELF

3 Never give up

4 Listening to others and learning

5 Embrace change "Change is the only constant in life" quote shared by Kalpana aunty

6 Have fire and passion

Not sure if I have missed anything. I remember also finding Joy in all you do.

For next Sunday read the first two chapters of DROP and will try do a lesson from the book.

Also will start "Bhagavath Geeta" with verses from the KPI booklet


We started with invocation prayers led by Soumya. Thank you Soumya. We plan to learn the meaning of each of them as it is important that, not only do we chant, also understand the meaning to reflect till they become our very thoughts of contemplation. The meaning of " Om Sahanavavtu" as a prayer of blessing for all (teacher, student) to be blessed in Body Mind and Intellect, be in sync, so we share the knowledge of our scriptures. The meaning shared by Meghana and we went through the word meaning. Thank you Meghana.

Please volunteer to do this as most you have gone through this.

We talked about the role of teacher( like a parent). First we are fed(food or knowledge) with a spoon as a baby, then as a child, things are laid out in front and the child has to eat/ take the knowledge. here the teacher/parent is a facilitator and then as Yuvakendra(youth, high school on) are empowered to learn with the teacher. We talked about the books "Drop It, a NOVEL" and "Its Easy". Sharing the slides as discussed about Dropping "Assumptions". Hope all of you got the books and have started reading (spending 15 minutes on your SELVES) every day.

See you all next Sunday on another DROP topic

Happy and blessed Navratri to all of you. Remember Devi in her three forms and the symbolism of festivals and Navratri. Dinner table discussion and reflection besides the state of COVID and politics


We started with invocation prayers led by Adityan. Thank you Adityan. Few of you raised your hand regarding knowing the meaning of these prayers. We will go through them as we go. We briefly touched on "One God many forms" of our deities.

Sharing our Q and A power point re Civilization and culture. That was the only question asked. Hope the rest on Indian Philosophy was very clear or ??????. Reflect for the next two weeks on the BMI chart of Gurudev and the two birds slides which Ramesh uncle shared with us. Santana dharma as a culture, thinking inwards and forming a civilization with that as a focus. Hence lasting long, as we saw many civilizations disappear.

We watched the commencement address by CEO of Toyota . He said he has a job for all of you

. So no worries. Reflect on the talk and will go through some valuable life lessons from it. Not sharing the video as we should try and remember and reflect.

See you all in two weeks on Oct 11th and we will start with our main book "Drop"


Hariom Mukunda class

Today after opening prayers , we reviewed Indian Philosophy and Sanatana Dharma . Parts of the presentation you may have heard before and some may be new. Hope we all learnt from it. Attached is the presentation

Next class we will have a Q and A session on this and try to clear our doubts. If not will read and clear up at another session. So we should all come prepared and learn.

As we go along we will do some selected verses from the Bhagavath Geeta and go through two books called "DROP". These books, by the youth wing of Chinmaya Mission are a lot of fun and we will learn as we go through. .

Attaching a PDF of "KPI" which are the home important shlokas from Bhagavath Geeta .

Try and watch a movie on Netflix with your parents and family called "Social Dilemma". We can talk and discuss this and see how we can get out of this Dilemma, from Vedanta perspective.


Kalpana aunty and Radhika Aunty


First day of class , was a short one as we had general assembly and announcements for the year. As we continue being on virtual Balavihar at least till Dec , in class we introduced ourselves and our various interests. We realized we have a buffet of talents and interests and hope to to have a great year of learning and tapping into all talents

Love Mukunda class Sevaks

Kalpana Aunty and Radhika Aunty

Topics covered on December 8th, 2019

Discussed about the importance of gratitude: Gratitude melts away negativity. We appreciate and grateful of what we have than what we don’t have and make the best out of it.

Gita talks about how to deal with your mind

  • Find your mind: - Our thoughts wander all over the place, we find our mind to bring back to the present

    • Bind your mind: – Then, we should bind our mind to the action that we are performing currently

    • Kind your mind: – Followed by, be kind to your mind and bring back by sublimation to the present, if it wanders again

    • Mind your mind: – As we gain more maturity, we can be continuously aware of our mind / thoughts and be the witness to our thoughts and actions – Awareness

Practical example: Studying for the exams

  • Find your mind: - Find your mind as soon as you can, if the mind wanders away from the study

  • Kind your mind: – With concentration, you focus on the study. However, after few minutes the mind can still wander. Be kind to your mind and gradually bring back to study

    • Mind your mind: – As you gain more maturity, you can be continuously aware of your thoughts and be able to bring back immediately and over a period of time be the witness of your thoughts and actions – Awareness

    • Bind your mind: – Concentrate on the study

Then we continued to study 18th Chapter and discussed about our true nature – Self:

Every Individual is a mixture of the two: Sentient (Atma / Self) and Insentient (body-mind complex):

  • A question was raised on what is the biggest of all? Each one of the students answered including – Space, God, Time, Earth, Stars, Universe, etc.,

  • Time is an interesting concept, but we will discuss that in another class

  • Can there be anything without a space? A space is required for any object to be present. Is there anything bigger than space? How do we perceive space in our deep sleep? Everything including space resolves in our deep sleep. But, I know, I existed in the deep sleep. In this existence, the space and all the other things appear in the waking and dream state. Existence is present in all three states - waking, dreaming and deep sleep.

  • Existence pervades within as well as in all the things that we perceive. Thus, this existence is the biggest of all. This existence is common to all. Our body and mind vary in dimensions and quality in each one of us, but existence is the same. Existence is inherent and changeless in each one of us. This existence is aware of its own existence. It is existence - consciousness principle.

  • Human beings are mixture of the two: Existence - consciousness principle (changeless, independent, immortal and all pervading) and the body-mind complex (ever changing, dependent, mortal and limited). Existence-consciousness is the substratum and body-mind complex is at the surface level.

  • We will continue this discussion on the discrimination between those two in the next class

Topics covered on November 17th, 2019

We continued our discussion on different types of stress, how we handle stress and to whom we share the information.

Then we continued to study 18th Chapter and covered the following topics:

Prescribed duties

Three actions should be performed and not to be renounced. They are Sacrifice, Charity and Discipline


Saatvic Sacrifice - with the confirm conviction of the mind it is a matter of duty, out material benefits

Rajasic Sacrifice- with material benefits and performed for a sake of "show"

Tamasic Sacrifice - Easiest option available, contrary to scriptures without faith


Saatvic Charity - which is given to a person who may not reciprocate at the proper place, and time and to a proper person

Rajasic Charity - reluctantly given for the sake of something in return or expecting a result

Tamasic Charity - given at the wrong place and time to unworthy people, without honoring and with contempt

Discipline: - Physical, Mental and Speech:

Saatvica Discipline - practiced with great faith by those people who are disciplined but not desirous of the result

Rajasic Discipline - performed with pretence for the sake of praise, honor and worship whose result is temporary and uncertain

Tamas Discipline - practiced by torture of the body out of erroneous notion or for the destruction of others

Topics covered on November 10th, 2019

Vasanas - Mental Impressions

We discussed about vasanas, which means mental impressions. Mental impression is the residue left in the mind based on perceptions and / or past actions and has influence in the current action.

Analogy for mental impression: Let us say we cut an onion with a knife and cut an apple with the same knife without washing it, the onion residue affects the apple's taste.

As the mental impression can affect the outcome of the actions, it is important to be aware of the mental impressions.

Response to Events and how it impacts the Outcome

We also discussed about an equation "E" + "R" = "O". Event + Response = Outcome

We do not have complete control over the events or the outcome. Even the planned events have some surprises. But we do have control over our responses. If the mental impressions drive us, then the response will be reaction rather than a response.

Each group presented one of the important events and how the response affected the outcome.

We also discussed about how to handle stress towards the end of the class, which we will continue in the next class

Topics covered on November 3rd, 2019

In the last class, we reviewed what we had learnt so far. Each group summarized the topics by defining the key terms with stories / examples.

We discussed the title of 18th chapter - Yoga of liberation through renunciation. Here, Liberation (recognizing that we are the changeless entity) is the vision of life and the Renunciation is the strategy to achieve it.

We related the above concept (vision and strategy) with the present stage of life. Each student shared a single word that describes his / her goal in high school. Then, we discussed about how we can use fishbone diagram to come up with the strategy that identifies the list of things one should renunciate and one should take up in order to achieve the goal.

Topics covered on October 27th, 2019

Review of first three topics of 18th chapter summary

We formed three groups; each group reviewed one of the first three summary topics of Bhagavad Gita chapter 18. Each group then posed questions to the other two groups on those three topics.

Interesting questions and discussions came up and here are some of the key points:

  • Renunciation is to gain a higher value. Renunciation for a lower value shouldn't be the intent as it will pull us down to more Tamasic quality.

  • Vision or goal should always be kept in mind. It may take time to reach the goal. But every action through renunciation should lead us to one step closer to the goal.

  • Our vision or goal is to recognize that our true nature is the changeless entity. By practicing the values, we transcend the changing entities (our body and mind) to recognize that we are neither the doer nor affected by the actions.

Analogy for changing and changeless entity - Sun light falls on a bucket of water and the light gets reflected

Sun light (awareness - changeless entity) falls on a bucket (body) of water (mind) and the light gets reflected (experience).

Depending on the condition of the water (mind), the quality of the reflected light varies (experience). If the condition of the water is murky (mind is tamasic), the reflected light (experience) is dark (dull, laziness, ignorance). If the condition of the water is turbulent (mind is rajasic), the reflected light (experience) is multiple with ups and downs (distracted, easily elated and dejected). If the condition of the water is still and uncontaminated (mind is saatvic), the reflected light (experience) is single, full and clear (purity, clarity and knowledge).

Quick overview of 18 chapters of Gita

In the first chapter, Arjuna was dejected and ready to give up the war and take up sannyasa (renunciation). Arjuna surrenders to Lord Krishna and seeks his advice in the second chapter. Lord Krishna advises him about the nature of Self (changeless entity) and the steps to recognize the Self in the second chapter. Entire Gita has been summarized in the second chapter. Chapter 3 to 15 are just the detailed discussions of the second chapter, based on several questions from Arjuna. In chapter 16 and 17, Lord Krishna talks about the values to be followed and three types of gunas in detail. Now, in the 18th chapter the entire Gita is summarized again.

What does the title of 18th chapter of Gita mean - Yoga of Liberation through Renunciation?

The title conveys both the vision (liberation) and the means of achieving it (renunciation).

What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

Knowledge is gaining the information, when the knowledge is assimilated / implemented then it is called Wisdom. For example, in order to start my day more relaxed, I may have received an advice to wake 10 minutes early in the morning. This is knowledge. When this knowledge is implemented for several days and weeks, it has been assimilated in my system and that is called wisdom.


Topics covered on October 20th, 2019

Briefly discussed about the epic Mahabharata, the important characters of Mahabharata, Gita verses in Mahabharata. We described Arjuna's despondency upon seeing his Gurus and family members in the battlefield, ready to fight him. Arjuna decided to take up the path of renunciation in delusion and confusion. Then, Arjuna surrenders to Lord Krishna and seeks his advice.

We have covered 17 chapters of Gita in the last year and now we are in the 18th chapter - Moksha Sanyasa Yoga.

Here is the summary of 18th chapter of Gita. We will cover these topics in detail in the upcoming classes

Verses 1 to 12 - What is Renunciation?

Renunciation is generally defined as giving up actions and leaving for Himalayas / sacred place. This idea typically happens when the current situation is troublesome or causing us discomfort. That is not a true Renunciation.

We discussed about the monkey’s behavior. Monkey won’t leave his possessions easily, but when banana is offered, monkey give up the possession on hand. Similarly, we will be ready to give up something for a higher value. This higher value is our spiritual goal of recognizing our true nature.

Lord Krishna is going to talk about three types of Renunciation and advise us on the best type to follow.

When we mention three types, we need to remember we are referring to three Gunas that we extensively discussed in the last few chapters. They are Saatva, Rajas and Tamas.

Tamas Guna represents laziness, ignorance, delusion and postponing or performing the actions without considering the consequences.

Example: Postponing the study for an exam or engaged in other activities without considering the impact of not preparing for the exam.

Rajas Guna represents passion, distraction, frustration, attachment to actions and their results

Example: Preparing for the exam with the anxiety and worry about the grades. Focus gets diverted into various thoughts and unable to concentrate on the task at hand.

Saatva Guna represents purity, illumination, performing required actions without attachment to either actions or their results.

Example: Completely focused on the study with least distractions and less worry and anxiety about the grades. This means major percentage of the energy is spent on task at end, which will most likely result in good grades

Verses 13 to 17 - Am I the doer of actions? What is the nature of Self?

Here Lord Krishna is going to discuss about our true nature of our Self, which is the changeless entity. As a human being we have both changing entity (body, mind) and changeless entity (the Self).

Our true Self - changeless entity neither performs any action nor gets impacted by any action. On the other hand, the changing entity (body, mind) performs action and gets affected by actions

Verses 18 to 40 - What do cause actions and what are the constituents of actions?

In these verses we are going to find very interesting details on what causes actions and what all get involved in actions. These verses will provide insights on six different factors of actions and the way they are classified based on three qualities - Saatva, Rajas and Tamas.

Verses 41 to 48 - Attaining purity of mind by engaging in occupation that aligns with one's innate qualities

Lord Krishna emphasizes that one should understand one's innate qualities and choose the appropriate occupation. By doing so, we will find the actions naturally flow through us, we find joy while performing action rather than looking forward to the results and bring benefits both to us as well as people around us. This will purify our mind, because we were able to perform the required duties without attachment to the results.

Verses 49 to 66 - Abide in the Self (I am not the doer) and Supreme devotion towards Lord

By attaining the purity of mind - Saatva Guna - we come to recognize the changeless entity within us - our true Self - Atma. We also appreciate the fact this changeless entity - Self is nothing but Lord and leads us to Supreme devotion towards Lord.

Verses 67 to 78 - Conclusion

In the conclusion, after teaching Arjuna, Lord Krishna asks "Has your delusion born of ignorance gone completely". And Arjuna responds "by your grace my illusion has been dispelled, and I am situated in knowledge. I am now free from doubts, and I shall act according to your instructions". And the final verse declares - "Wherever there is Krishna, the Lord of Yoga and wherever there is Arjuna, the bow-wielder, there (will be) permanent wealth, victory, prosperity and justice"


Topics covered on October 13th, 2019

Spiritual significance of Navaratri, Vijayadashami (Dussehra) and Vidyarambham festivals

We recently celebrated Navaratri, Dussehra (Vijayadashami) and Vidyarambham recently. What do they literally mean?

Navaratri - Nava means 9 and ratri means nights – 9 nights

Vijayadashami - Vijaya means victory and dasami means Tenth (day - after 9 nights) – victory on the 10th day

Vidyarambham - Vidhya means knowledge and aarambham means beginning. On this day, children are initiated into the world of syllabary.

How do we celebrate Navaratri, Vijayadashami and Vidyarambham and what is the spiritual significance (culture) behind them?

During Navaratri, we worship Durga (Parvathi), Lakshmi and Saraswathi.

FIRST THREE NIGHTS: Durga is invoked for her strength and ferocity. She holds ferocious sword and other destructive weapons. We are riddled with negative thoughts, fears, and prejudices which are the cause of selfishness, jealousy, hatred, anger, etc. We worship Lord Durga to cut out so that she can employ those weapons to annihilate those strong-rooted negative tendencies within us.

SECOND THREE NIGHTS: Lakshmi is worshiped and she represents wealth. She is invited to acquire the inner wealth of spiritual values such as love, kindness, sincerity, self-control, self-discipline, etc. By the practice of such spiritual values in our daily lives, our minds become purified.

THIRD THREE NIGHTS: Saraswathi is invoked. She is worshiped to bestow higher knowledge of Self.

After worshipping three Goddesses in the span of 9 nights, we transcend (victory over) the identification of the body and mind and recognize our true Self on 10th day - Vijaya (victory) Dasami (10th day).

How can we connect these festivals with our study - Bhagavad Gita?

This year, we are going to study 18th Chapter of Bhagavad Gita. In the previous chapters we learnt about three Gunas - Tamas, Rajas and Sattva.

TAMAS: We studied that Tamas Guna should be overcome. Lord Durga is also called Mahishasura Mardini the destroyer of Mahisha (buffalo) Asura (demon) with powerful weapons. The buffalo symbolizes Tamas, the quality of darkness, ignorance laziness and inertia which must be overcome before spiritual progress can be made.

RAJAS: Rajas Guna breeds attachment to actions and their results, greedy and impurity. The lotus on which the Goddess is seated symbolizes the Supreme Goal of Self -Realization. Lord Lakshmi provide us wealth of noble values to nourish and purify the cleansed mind so that the Supreme Goal can be achieved.

SAATVA: Sattva Guna leads us to the Knowledge - Self-Realization.

Saraswathi holding the Scriptures – indicates that she upholds the knowledge of the scriptures which alone can lead to the truth.

We need to recall all the Gunas are present in all of us, and they are changing entities. Our predominant Guna should be Sattva. However, we can't hold on to any one Guna for a longer period of time.

Our goal is to recognize the changeless entity within us - our True Self - God. Thus, we need to transcend the three Gunas (Gunatitah - Gita Chapter 14).

VIJAYADASHAMI: We worship three Goddesses in the span of 9 nights, we go beyond (victory over) those three Gunas and recognize our true Self on 10th day - Vijaya (victory) Dasami (10th day).

VIDHYARAMBHAM: We initiate the beginning of this knowledge and start practicing it - Vidyarambham. Here in the spiritual context it is called Aksharaabhyasam. We will look at this word - Aksharaabhyasam in the next class.


Topics covered on September 15th, 2019

Introduction to Mukundha Class

Why do we study at all?

Imagine a world, where we know everything that one could possibly know and we are completely satisfied and happy at all times. There is no need to study. As a human being, we all have limitations – physical, mental and intellectual in knowing about the world, the source of this world (God) as well as about oneself. One of the main reasons for the study is to overcome these limitations.

How humans have overcame some of the limitations – Civilization and Materialistic Culture?

We learn about materials - physics, math, science, language for exchanging ideas to understand the nature external. With that we try to modify and control the external to make us comfortable. For example: electric lamps to see in the dark, heating systems to live in cold environment, flight for faster travel, medicines for disease free body etc. This Human's control of nature external is called Civilization.

To achieve the control over external nature, one should have disciplined mind to focus on the study of external nature. The mind should not go many in different ways and be focused on the study. For example, we discipline our mind to study during our young age so that we can land in a good paying job. This Human's control of nature internal is called culture.

This is a materialistic culture where the focus of life is matter, that which is seen, changes and perishes

What we find is by overcoming the limitations, we can lead a comfortable life. It seems that if we can overcome all the limitations, then we can live in the imagined world - where we know everything that one could possibly know and we are completely satisfied and happy at all times.

Is it possible to overcome all the limitations?

From the physical aspect, we can’t continue to perform the activities that gives us pleasure / happiness. For example, if ice cream gives me pleasure, after eating couple of scoops, I can’t take it any more as hit the physical limitations. With respect to mental aspect, the more we learn about something, the more we find out that there is so much to learn meaning exposing more limitations. This means we constantly engage in knowing about the external world to overcome the limitations.

Moreover, Human limitations lead to desire. Inability to fulfill desire leads to anger, sorrow and fear. Accomplishments of desire leads to arrogance.

We graduate from college to settle in a comfortable life. But comfortable life doesn't give us permanent happiness. For that there is another graduation.

We have constant struggle to be happy and free from sorrow. We want to settle in happiness forever to graduate from the earth

Why study our scripture - Bhagavad Gita? Or How humans can settle in happiness forever - Spiritual Culture?

We understand the nature of internal with guidance of our scriptures. With that guidance, we study our habits & behavior patterns and enquire the true nature of "I". This is a spiritual culture, where the focus of life is Spirit, that which is not seen, but exists and remains as the substratum of all. Hindu culture is spiritual culture

What is the principle source of our spiritual culture?

The principle source of Hindu culture is Vedas. Vedas offer the vision and draws a roadmap of human life so that we can easily reach our goal i.e., to graduate from the earth. Vedas are revelations and not of human origin

Why vision is important?

Vision influences our thoughts, which results in our choice, subsequently our action and their results, which is experienced as joy or sorrow

What is the vision of our scriptures?

Recognize the change (Body, mind complex and the world) and changeless entity (God). The vision of our scriptures is to Identify with God - changeless entity, who is omnipresent by dissolving the individuality is the graduation from earth - become forever free from limitations.

If God is omnipresent, why we can't recognize within each one of us?

Because of impurities of the mind, restlessness of the mind and the lack of knowledge as to who the God is? We do not focus on our nature internal, where the God resides. We do not the knowledge or the path to recognize the God within and identify with this changeless entity. This is where our scriptures provide a roadmap to achieve this vision of identifying with the God.

What is the roadmap of our scriptures?

Analyze where you are, detect the problem and Fix it to reach the goal.

    • To address the impurities of mind - Karma Kanda or Yoga by neutralizing our likes and dislikes.

    • To address the restlessness of the mind - Bhakti Kanda or Yoga through worship and meditation upon different aspects of God

    • To address the lack of knowledge - Jnana Kanda or Yoga to reveal the identity with the God

How this class as relevance to previous years of Balavihar (up to 8th grade)?

Hindu Scriptures include Vedas, Dharma Sastra, Epics, Puranas, Six Philosophies, Six Limbs and Upanishads. Until 8th grade, Balavihar curriculum presents various epics and puranas to inculcate omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent nature of God and develop devotions towards God. Secondly, through Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavatam, you have learnt the fundamental spiritual values practiced by various characters. This Mukundha class builds from that foundation and presents topics on the vision and roadmap of identifying with the God.

What is the curriculum for Mukundha class and what will be covered this year?

Our discussions in this class is based on our scripture - Bhagavad Gita which is the essence of Vedas and it covers the vision and the roadmap - the three topics - Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.

This year, we will be covering 18th chapter of Gita

We will discuss about cultivating inner qualities based on the spiritual values discussed in Gita that are necessary to achieve the vision.