Exhibit 8



I kept the same front page, I thought it would it best to keep the "B" on the back, and delete the bloom. I wanted the flow to go from front to back seamlessly and with the clean and more minimalistic back, I have achieved it.

I kept all the same design elements from the previous picture.


I realized that I haven’t done a business card at all this semester for my portfolio exhibit. I was looking for flowers one day when I was given a florist’s business card and I fell in love with the simplicity of it. I wanted to give my own spin on the business card for a floral shop. I went with simple colors and a minimalistic design for my card with a flow onto the back.


Contrast – I used vibrant colors to create contrast throughout the small card. The flowers in the middle create a path for the eye to follow. The letters I used are the same color of one of the flowers to create some contrast. The back of the card was made in conjunction with the front. The back of the card has a large B for the name of the card “BLOOM”, the letter has the flowers embedded in it to create contrast in the back.

Repetition – For this particular image, the repetition part was quite easy. To the front and back, the flowers were repeated from the flowers in the front to the flowers in the back on the letter B. I also used repetition with the lettering from the back to the front. Same color and same font throughout.

Alignment – Everything in the image is aligned centered.

Proximity – I wanted to keep everything as close possible. The words were the most important to me. I wanted to have them follow a sequence.

Photoshop skills used:

  • separate layers

  • typography

  • adjustment layers

  • used masks for the layers

  • color blocking

  • pen tool

  • masked layers cleaned with eraser

  • shape tool

  • pasting images into shape


Dahlia photograph - https://www.google.com/search?q=dahlia+illustration&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS783US783&sxsrf=ALeKk02SX0CKnmf5dg_K5emQtoTRe0UxEw:1605242109481&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjR8drt2P7sAhUFG80KHbCECTgQ_AUoAXoECBEQAw&biw=1440&bih=789#imgrc=Zg5xVzS-UqBwRM