Exhibit 7

Trust the process.


For this specific piece I did change it quite a bit more than the original. I decided to add another photo after seeing the feedback I received from my peers. I also changed the font and the placement of the photos. On top of it all I added the arrows to create a sense of process for the coffee making, that was the most important change in the exhibit revision.

Photoshop skills used:

  • separate layers

  • typography

  • adjustment layers

  • used masks for the layers

  • color blocking

  • arrows

I kept all the same design elements from the previous picture, with a few non-destructive changes.


I really struggled creating this particular exhibit, I wanted to create something different and big but every time I tried, I failed. I decided to go with the easy route as my time had run out. I wanted to show people a very basic not exactly accurate representation of coffee. From the seeds to when its toasted and then made into a drink. I wanted to make more circles demonstrating the process but with my time, I wasn’t able to. In the future I will rework it, to show what I really wanted.


Contrast – I used contrast in the colors and matching them to the words itself. I tried to use the hard edges of the circle to create an easy contrast in the image throughout.

Repetition – I created repetition with the colors as well as the shapes I used throughout the image. I wanted to give repetition with the circles, so I created different sizes for the different images.

Alignment – I didn’t want to align all of the circles because I thought it would give it an odd look, so instead I staggered them all around. As well as made them different sizes.

Proximity – In proximity everything is close. I wanted to keep the circles as close as possible so that the story was in sequential order.

Photoshop skills used:

  • separate layers

  • typography

  • adjustment layers

  • used masks for the layers

  • color blocking


All photographs from Unsplash