Student Code of Conduct

The Athletic Code of Conduct is in effect for all Student Athletes, grades 6-12. Student Athletes will follow the Student Code of Conduct and the Athletic Code of Conduct for the entire year (August 1 – July 31) and will apply to activities both on and off school grounds.

The Student Athlete’s responsibility is that of good citizenship and sportsmanship. Student Athletes will abide by the laws of the country, state, county, town and city, and will follow the rules and policies of the school district and athletic department. Student Athletes will maintain good conduct and are expected to display respectful attitudes and behaviors toward teachers, staff, administration, coaches, officials, fans, opposition, and fellow team mates at all times. Student Athletes who act in a disrespectful manner or in such a way which embarrasses themselves, their team, their school or community will be subjected to discipline by the ASO, which may lead to suspension from future contests.

Student Athletes who violate school policies and/or commit acts that require the involvement of the police and/or court system will be at risk of partial or full suspension for the season and/or the year depending on the severity of the violation. These acts include but are not limited to: failure to comply with a reasonable request; any Tier 3 Violation or any criminal act that results in the involvement of law officers.

Below is the GMHS Tiered Discipline Plan. Student Athletes will be held to school disciplinary consequences found in the GMHS Handbook, as well as the consequences listed below for LOH Code of Conduct violations.

Tiered Penalty System

Consequences of Substance Abuse Violation – Student Athletes found to be in violation of the substance abuse policy are subject to the following:

  • 1st Offense: The Student Athlete will be suspended from competition for the equivalent of a minimum of 40% of the scheduled contests for that season. Any suspension not completed by season’s end will be carried over to the start of the next season in which the Student-Athlete participates. The number of contests the Student Athlete will miss during the next season will be based on the portion of the suspension not yet completed. The Student Athlete will be strongly encouraged to attend substance abuse counseling. The District will guide the Student Athlete in securing these services.

  • Self-Admission Provision: The penalty may be reduced to 20% if the Student Athlete accepts responsibility for their actions and agrees to the following:

    • to be evaluated by a certified substance abuse counselor within the first two weeks of the violation,

    • for the Student Athlete & Parent to follow the treatment/plan recommended by the counselor, and

    • to provide proof of the above to the Athletic Director.

  • 2nd Offense: The second violation may result in suspension of UP to 100% of the current or upcoming season, and the Student Athlete and Parent will participate in a school approved substance abuse program. Successful completion of a substance abuse counseling program, in a manner acceptable to the Athletic Director, may be the basis for a recommendation for a reduction of the consequence.

3rd Offense: The third violation will result in a suspension from all athletic contests for a total of one school year (180 days from date of third offense) and will carry into the following school year.


Substance Use includes the possession, consumption, buying, selling, sharing or exchanging of: any illegal drug, prescription drugs, or any substance represented as a controlled substance; smoking tobacco products, chewing tobacco, and smokeless tobacco; and alcoholic beverages. Student Athletes shall not use, possess or consume tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs on all properties associated with the school (grounds, buses, practice fields etc..). Student Athletes are not to attend functions where alcohol or controlled substances are being used by minors.

If the Student Athlete attends such functions and observes such behavior, they are expected to leave the site immediately. This may be accomplished by calling the parent/guardian to arrange for alternative transportation, which may be but are not limited to:

  1. Arranging a ride with public transportation.

  2. Seeking taxi cab conveyance.

  3. Seeking the assistance of the coach.

  4. Seeking the assistance of law enforcement.


Any identifiable image, photo, or video which implicates a Student Athlete to be in the presence of or possession of drugs or alcohol or portrays actual use, or out of character behavior or crime, shall be confirmation of a violation of the Code. There shall be greater consequences for any Student Athlete who organizes, facilitates, promotes, or hosts any gathering or social event where alcohol or drugs were available or use has occurred. The penalty will be at a minimum of double the first violation.

Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Policy

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, in any program, service or activity, including but not limited to, educational programs or activities, such as, extracurricular activities, student services, academic counseling, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, athletics, and transportation, operated by the GRSC School Distict, including admission to these programs and activities.

Title IX protects students from harassment or discrimination on the basis of sex during educational or extracurricular programs and activities, whether they take place at school or elsewhere. Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it denies or limits an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the District’s programs and activities. For definitions, reporting procedures, penalties, and other policies and procedures, please refer to the student handbook section on sexual harassment.

Social Media Policy

Student Athletes may not post online any pictures, information or other content that might cause embarrassment to themselves, their peers, fellow Student Athletes, teams, coaches, or the GMHS community. They may not post any content online that is unsportsmanlike, derogatory, demeaning or threatening toward any other individual or entity (examples: derogatory comments regarding another school/team or taunting comments aimed at a Student Athlete, coach or team at another school/team). No posts should depict or encourage unacceptable or illegal activities (examples: hazing, sexual harassment/assault, gambling, discrimination, fighting, vandalism, academic dishonesty, underage drinking, illegal drug use). Violation of the Social Media Policy will result in level Tier 2 consequences.

Conduct at Athletic Events Policy

At GMHS, we cultivate awareness that participation in high school athletics is part of the total educational experience. We emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play for all.

Therefore, it is important to refrain from making disparaging remarks to opponents, officials, coaches, or spectators. Every person is expected to exemplify proper self-control at all times and accept adverse decisions without public display of emotion or dissatisfaction, and to greet opposing team members and officials respectfully and encourage behavior which will create positive relationships between schools.

Any individuals who display inappropriate behavior at athletic events will be asked to leave the premises immediately. At the first opportunity, the offending individual will be asked to meet with the school administration to discuss the incident in question. Attending any future athletic events will not be an option until this meeting has been held. Once this meeting has been held and behavior parameters are agreed upon and set, the individual may be able to attend future athletic events. Repetition of these behaviors is not an option, and any future negative displays will result in being banished from attending any athletic contest for one calendar year.

Transportation Policy

Student Athletes are expected to travel to and from athletic events with the team. In situations where a Student Athlete wishes to travel with a parent or guardian, the coach must receive in writing, a permission slip from the student’s parent prior to the departure from the GMHS parking lot. Student Athletes may be released to teammates’ parent(s) with prior written notification. Emails to coaches or the athletic director may serve as proper notification. Seating arrangements on the bus will be at the discretion of the coaches. Any horse play or inappropriate behavior will be handled by the coach and/or driver, as will any consequences, which may include being banned from further travel with the team.