Expectations for members of the GMHS COmmunity

Athletic Director & Coaches

The Athletic Director and coaches are leaders and are dedicated to more than the X’s and O’s of competition. As professionals, leaders and role models for students, the AD and each Coach will:

  • Exemplify the highest moral character as a role model for young people.

  • Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.

  • Strive to develop the qualities of competence, character, civility & citizenship in each team member.

  • Provide a safe, challenging and encouraging environment for practice and competition.

  • Gain an awareness of the prevention, care and treatment of athletic injuries.

  • Respect the integrity and judgment of the game official.

  • Teach and abide by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.

  • Strive for excellence in coaching skills and techniques through professional improvement.

  • Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.


GMHS athletics provide an opportunity for the development of not only physical conditioning and skill but also character traits essential for success in life. We challenge every Student Athlete to strive for:

Competence – the necessary level of knowledge and skill to sufficiently train and compete

  • Develop the skills necessary to participate competently in the game.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules, conventions and strategies of the game.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of healthy behaviors, including nutrition and physical & mental fitness.

  • Understand the necessity of abstaining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in order to benefit from participation in interscholastic athletics.

Character – the pattern of beliefs, attitudes and therefore behavior that relates to moral strength, constitution and essential qualities that characterize the GMHS community

  • Be dependable in fulfilling obligations and commitments.

  • Accept responsibility for consequences of actions; don’t make excuses or blame others.

  • Strive to excel.

  • Be committed.

  • Persevere - give 100% effort; don’t give up when faced with setbacks.

  • Demonstrate truthfulness.

  • Play by the rules of the game.

  • Control anger and frustration; refrain from displays of temper and bad language.

  • Accept winning/losing gracefully, congratulate opponents, and don’t sulk or display other negative behaviors.

Civility – to demonstrate behavior that exemplifies appropriate respect and concern for others

  • Practice good manners on and off the field

  • Refrain from trash talk and other put-downs of opponents or teammates.

  • Treat all persons respectfully, regardless of individual differences.

  • Show respect for legitimate authority (e.g., officials, coaches, captains).

  • Be fair and treat others as you wish to be treated.

  • Listen to and try to understand others.

  • Be sensitive and compassionate to others.

  • Actively support teammates and others.

Citizenship – social responsibility as part of a “community”

  • Be faithful to the ideals of the game, including sportsmanship.

  • Keep your commitments to the team (e.g., be diligent about practice and following training rules).

  • Show team spirit, encourage others and contribute to good morale.

  • Accept responsibility to set a good example for teammates, younger players, and school community.


We understand that parents play a vital role in the development of Student Athletes and the success of our athletic program. Therefore, we ask each parent/guardian to:

  • Be a positive role model through your actions.

  • Be a “team” fan, not a “my kid” fan.

  • Show respect for opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.

  • Be respectful of all officials’ decisions.

  • Refrain from instructing your children before, during or after the game, as it may conflict with the coach’s plans and strategies.

  • Support & praise Student Athletes’ efforts to improve as students, as athletes and as people.

  • Gain an understanding of and appreciation for the rules of the contest.

  • Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.

  • Help your child learn that success is experienced in the development of their skills and that they can feel good about themselves, win or lose.

  • Take time to talk to coaches in an appropriate manner, in the proper time and place, if you have a concern. Be sure to follow the designated chain of command.

  • Remember that a ticket to a school athletic event is a privilege.


The GMHS Administrators are school leaders, professionals and role models for all members of the school community. Administrators are expected to:

  • Maintain contact with ADs and hold them accountable for the school’s athletics program.

  • Work to ensure athletics programs balance education and competition to provide a well-rounded learning experience.

  • Bridge the gap between athletics departments and school administration.

  • Work cooperatively with the AD to create a robust coaching staff.

  • Support the AD when needed by being present at contests.