Communication Guide

It is important the Student Athlete, Coach, Administration, and Parents have the opportunity to communicate effectively throughout the season. The following communication guide should be followed.

Coach to Parents

  1. Coaching Philosophy, Expectations and Goals for the players, team & season

  2. Location and times of games and practices

  3. Team requirements and equipment needs

  4. Procedure for medical issues or injuries

  5. Team rules, guidelines, code of conduct, and consequences for violations

Parents to Coach

  1. Concerns with medical issues

  2. Notifications of prolonged absences from team

  3. Appropriate concerns such as the coach’s interaction with your child

Areas which are not up for discussion:

1. Playing time - the Coach is the authority who determines playing time

2. Team strategies, play calling or coaching from the sidelines

3. Other team members

If there is a need to communicate with your child’s Coach, please follow the procedures listed below.

Do not confront a Coach before or after a contest or practice. The time following a contest can be a very emotional time for players, fans and coaches. Call or email the school to schedule a meeting. Do not use email for conflict resolution but as a tool to set up an appointment. If the Coach cannot be reached, contact the Athletic Director to request a meeting with the coach.

Before scheduling a meeting with your child’s Coach, please meet with your child and discuss the situation. Sometimes what parents perceive as a problem is not an issue with the child. Once a concern is validated, the GMHS conflict resolution model will be followed, with all meeting requests and concerns submitted in writing prior to the meeting.

  1. Meeting with Student Athlete & Coach(es)

  1. Meeting with Student Athlete, Coach(es) & Parent(s)

  1. Meeting with Student Athlete, Coach(es), Parents(s) & Athletic Director

  1. Meeting with Student Athlete, Coach(es), Parents(s), Athletic Director & Principal

  1. Meeting with all of the above and & Superintendent

  1. Meeting with all of the above, Superintendent and School Board

Should the conflict resolution model not be followed, the Student Athlete will not be allowed to participate in the program until after the proper procedure is followed.