Non-Employee Body Fluid Exposure

There is no longer a down time slip with tubes. 

The order-sets are active for almost 9 months now. 

The Consents will be sent to Medical Records with the rest of the patients chart.

The White Card with the Names of the Exposes patient and Source patient will be placed in a folder next to the Red Packets in the ED. The white card in the Adv. UC  will be placed in the  Adv. UC Resource binder in the Doctors area.  


As always, the source patient is only to be drawn if they are a patient here at LLUMC. 


Non-Employee Exposed Patient


1.  Please place patient label or name and MRN on the white card under Exposed. Place card in the Adv. UC Communication notebook. 


2.  Patient will need to be consented and a witness will need to sign consent as well. When completed, send the consent to Medical Records. 


3.  If this is EMS, Fire or Police please have them fill out the documents that their agency requires. These are included in the packet. 


4.  There are no “Down Time Forms” in this packet.  


5.  There is an “Order Set” that can now be used to order all Non-Employee Exposures. 

The order-set for the Source Patient is listed as:                                                                                                    LL ED NON-Employee Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Exposed Patient.


These labs are drawn and labeled as we would do for any patient. These labs do not require and EE or ES numbers. 




Non-Employee Source Patient

(To be used only for patients that are here at LLUMC)


1.  Please place patient label or name and MRN on the white card under Source. Place card in the return file next to the red packets.  


2.  Patient will need to be consented and a witness will need to sign consent as well. When completed, send the consent to Medical Records.      


3.  There are no “Down Time Forms” in this packet.  


4.  There is an “Order Set” that can now be used to order all Non-Employee Exposures. 

The order-set for the Source Patient is listed as:                                                                                                    LL ED NON-Employee Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Source Patient.


These labs are drawn and labeled as we would do for any patient. These labs do not require and EE or ES numbers.