String Figures: Mapping networks of mutual care

7am New York9am Buenos Aires1pm Paris 3pm Istanbul8pm Manila11pm Sydney


Bettina Nissen

String Figures takes its title from techno-feminist Donna Haraway’s metaphor for the inextricable threads that connect us all and follows on from the Crypto-Knitting-Circles research project in 2019. The project aims to visualise and build a de-centralised open-source network centred on a principle of mutual care, to allow activist, feminist and creative groups working for social justice to support and strengthen each other’s work. Working with creative technologist Bob Moyler and a number of activist groups, artist Ailie Rutherford and designer Bettina Nissen are developing new visual mapping software that allows participating groups to map and plot a network.

The session will include a short talk by Bettina followed by an interactive demonstration of the mapping software. The presentation will be in English with a strong visual element. We are also able to provide German translation.

Workshop participants will have the option to interact with the software as well as observe the demos. A desktop or laptop computer will be essential for this as the software is not yet mobile or tablet ready. Participants joining through a mobile or tablet will be able to watch the tech demo but not interact with the software.