Social Media Usage with Students

The definition of learning is no longer limited to the classroom setting. As the internet evolves so do our methods of communicating. Students dread the old and traditional ways of learning and prefer to learn things in an exciting and fun way. Using social media in a classroom setting is a great way to connect with your students. Most social media sites only require someone to be age 13 or older to create an account allowing students to begin creating digital profiles in middle school. It's inevitable that they will find a way to make an account to stay in touch with their friends and follow their favorite influencers. Some may even strive to try and go viral themselves with the content they create. It is up to us to help educate and protect the children in our lives as they traverse the internet. Below are some tips and tricks on how to use social media in a classroom setting.

Social Media in the Classroom

Additional Resources

Digital/Media Literacy- Final Webinar
Learn21/ISTE Community Leaders Media Literacy