Tips for Creating a Social Media Parent Consent Form

Where to start

Parents and guardians have a wide range of technology abilities. Some may be familiar with popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter/X, and Instagram, but some may not know anything about these sites and how they function. It is important to share the scope of the site as if explaining it to a first time user. 

Why are you using it?

Outline why using this site is beneficial for students. Share how you will use the site in your classroom, how students are expected to use the site, and what types of posts will be included. If there are classroom expectations on how to use the sity, you should include these as well.

Have a designated place for consent

Have an opt-in and opt-out option section.

Include a place for the parent or caregiver to sign.

Example Parent and Guardian Consent Letter

Please see an example of a parent and guardian consent letter for Instagram below. Feel free to adapt this to meet the needs of your classroom.

LIS 768 Parent Consent Form