Safety and Privacy

Why is Being Safe Online Important?

Internet safety is every ones responsibility. It’s all about being able to have fun online – to be able to chat with your friends, to post a video that you’ve made or a song that you’ve written, to be free to find out more about information you’re interested in and check out the latest trends - without being bullied, annoyed or scammed, or having your ideas stolen including identity theft.

Internet safety is a lot more than just ensuring that your computer has the latest anti-virus and firewall software installed. It’s about being smart about how you handle yourself online and savvy about how you deal with other people (especially strangers who you meet online), and not falling prey to an online scam artist who takes advantage of your ignorance

The way you teach children about safety when they leave the house (i.e. look both ways before crossing the road), is equally as important as teaching children how to stay safe online. These are skills that will stay with you for life time.

Safety Tips

Tips to Avoid Phishing

How Private Are You?

Living a private life is a difficult choice in today's society where social media and the internet are being utilized every second of the day. Metadata is constantly being collected based on what articles you read and what links you click. Providing a digital snapshot of you and your online interests and hobbies. What does your click history say about you? The resources below will educate you on how to take back control of your digital footprint.

Resources about Privacy

Privacy in Libraries and Schools

Public entities such as schools and libraries who are working with children are required by law to take extra precautions when children access the internet. Learn more about what rights you have and what actions are taking place to support privacy online.