Social Media in Education Statistics

Simon Kemp on Data Reportal states that a typical internet user spends almost 2 and a half hours on social media platforms per day. At an average of 143 minutes per day, per user, the world spends 720 billion minutes per day using social platforms. Over a full year, that adds up to more than 260 trillion minutes, or 500 million years of collective human time. (Kemp, 2024) Now that's a lot of likes and scrolls. Social media has been trending exponentially and shows no sign of stopping any time soon.

Social media has been on the rise since the creation of Six Degrees in 1997. It has evolved into a global phenomena. Connecting billions of people each and every day. While the chart above paints a perspective of usage on social media on a world wide scale, below you will find some information breaking this down and looking at how social media impacts young adults as well as the educational setting as a whole.

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