European Education Policy

Augmenter la part de la population avec un niveau d’éducation tertiaire fait partie des objectifs d’éducation en Europe. Mais pourquoi l’Union Européenne s’intéresse à la politique d’éducation ? Ce cours s'inscrit dans une approche essentiellement macroéconomique de la politique d'éducation.

Economie de l’éducation (Bradley et Green, 2020), mesure du capital humain et croissance économique (Hanushek Woessmann, 2015), financement public de l’éducation (Blankenau et al., 2007), les notions indispensables pour comprendre la(les) politique(s) d’éducation en Europe. Le système éducatif en Europe, 27 membres, 27 systèmes, un panorama de l’éducation pré-primaire à l’éducation tertiaire, des programmes d’éducation générale aux programmes d’éducation professionnelle. Voyage critique et sociologique : l’éducation est une perte de temps et d’argent dans une société devenue scolaire (Baker, 2014 ; Caplan, 2018).

Increasing the share of the population with tertiary education is one of the educational objectives in Europe. But why is the European Union interested in education policy? This course takes an essentially macroeconomic approach to education policy.

Economics of education (Bradley and Green, 2020), measurement of human capital and economic growth (Hanushek Woessmann, 2015), public financing of education (Blankenau et al., 2007), the essential concepts to understand education policy(ies) in Europe. The education system in Europe, 27 members, 27 systems, a panorama from pre-primary to tertiary education, from general education programs to vocational education programs. Critical and sociological journey: education is a waste of time and money in a society that has become scholastic (Baker, 2014; Caplan, 2018).


The economics of education

Empirical methods in the economics of education

Return to education in developed countries

Education and some collaterals

Education and civic engagment

Education and crime

Education and inequality

The economics of high school dropouts

Production, costs and financing

Education production function

Education, knowledge capital, and economic growth

THe economics of early childhood interventions

The role of teacher quality in education production

The economcis of class size

Teacher labour markets

Teacher labour markets: an overview

Teacher supply

Economic approaches to teacher

Education markets, choice and incentives

The economic role of the state in education

Tiebout sorting and competition

Economic approaches to school efficiency

School competition and the quality of education

Private schools: choice and effects

The economics of vocational training

Related literature:

Bradley, S., & Green, C. (Eds.). (2020). The Economics of Education: A Comprehensive Overview.

Human capital measure and economic growth

How to measure human capital, level of education

School attainment


Tertiary education

Cognitive skills

Education quality: efficiency, economic growth

Related literature:

Hanushek, E. A., Machin, S. J., & Woessmann, L. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of the economics of education. Elsevier.

Hanushek, E. A., & Wößmann, L. (2007). The role of education quality for economic growth. World Bank policy research working paper, (4122).

Hanushek, E. A., & Woessmann, L. (2015). The knowledge capital of nations: Education and the economics of growth. MIT press.

Financing education: the role of the state

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Related literature:

Blankenau, W. F., Simpson, N. B., & Tomljanovich, M. (2007). Public education expenditures, taxation, and growth: Linking data to theory. American Economic Review, 97(2), 393-397.

Education in Europe

Section under construction

Education: a critical journey

A waste of time and money

The magic of education

The ubiquity of useless education


Return to education: selfish and social

White elephant

A schooled society

section under construction

Related literature:

Caplan, B. (2018). The case against education. In The Case against Education. Princeton University Press.

Baker, D. (2014). The schooled society: The educational transformation of global culture. Stanford University Press.