Adaptive Management: Culture and Practices

Helping organizations bridge the technical/MEL divide to support continuous improvement via small, manageable change along the Plan-Do-Learn-Act (PDLA) adaptive cycle.

Track Overview

Development programs are more likely to work when they are rooted in a shared understanding of the context, have clear theories of change, are guided by strategic learning and responsive to emerging evidence. 

This track will demystify adaptive management concepts and help your team build related processes and approaches into your work. Using these approaches to work adaptively will ensure that data and insights are used to learn from and improve the effectiveness of your organization’s programming.

The Strategist Track is designed for pairs of staff from USAID projects - one person with primarily technical responsibilities and one person with responsibilities for monitoring and learning. 

Track sessions:

The modules follow the Plan-Do-Learn-Act (PDLA) adaptive cycle:

Track Roadmap

You want to explore more resources?

Stay tuned for the Compendium of Learning Dojo, coming soon in 2024!

A Quick Taste of 2022 Cohort Testimonials