Foundations in Monitoring

Supporting staff with monitoring and learning responsibilities to strengthen reporting compliance while supporting more evidence-based decision making. 

Track Overview and Learning Objective

Strong foundational monitoring skills are necessary to effectively plan, collect, manage and report data that is both reliable and useful. You will be able to coordinate, implement, and manage effective monitoring activities from MEL planning, data collection, management, quality assurance, and analysis. This track will help you build strong knowledge, skills and practices to be applied to your MEL tasks, and help promote effective data use for adaptive management.

Participants in this track include all staff with monitoring and learning responsibilities, ranging from MELO with years of expertise, to technical officers who are new to monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), especially USAID MEL.

Track sessions: 

Track Roadmap

You want to explore more resources?

Stay tuned for the Compendium of Learning Dojo, coming soon in 2024!