Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through CLA Practices

Supporting leaders as change agents within their teams and organizations, enabling them to create stronger, healthier organizations grounded in effective collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) practices.

Track Overview 

The Leadership Track is designed to support leaders as change agents within their teams and organizations, enabling them to create stronger, healthier organizations grounded in effective collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) practices. Participants will learn new leadership concepts and skills to address a significant challenge in their work that, if addressed, could make their teams and organizations more effective.

The track participants are either individuals or teams of up to three leaders, including those who may not have formal authority but are heavily influential in their organizations. 

Track sessions:

Track Roadmap

You want to explore more resources?

Stay tuned for the Compendium of Learning Dojo, coming soon in 2024!

A Quick Taste of 2022 Cohort Testimonials